EXCLUSIVE Andreea Bălan, on the verge of death for the second time. What the doctors discovered about your abdomen


Andreea Bălan, on the brink of death for the second time, shortly after nearly dying during a cesarean section. Now, doctors found a pocket of pus in the artist’s stomach and warned her that she was on the verge of a true tragedy.

Andreea Bălan, on the brink of death for the second time

A year and a half ago, Andreea Bălan suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest a few hours after giving birth to her second child, a beautiful girl named Clara. Fortunately, the medical staff managed to save her and her great luck was that the doctors gave her first aid from the first minute. Since then, time has not been generous to the famous singer. She broke up with her husband, George Burcea, and then the coronavirus pandemic canceled all her professional activity. The other day Andreea arrived at the hospital again, in serious condition, complaining of excruciating abdominal pain.

Currently, she is hospitalized with a diagnosis of abdominal abscess and is out of danger. But he went through death again:

“I used to have stomach aches, but I attributed them to stress, a hectic schedule, fatigue. He didn’t think it could be that bad. Doctors found a pocket of pus in his stomach. Fortunately, they were able to avoid surgery through a drain. But she was on the verge of sepsis, and then the chances of escaping alive were quite small. God loves her, this time he got rid of her too. said relatives of the blonde, for Impact.ro.

Andreea Bălan, the first message in the hospital bed

EXCLUSIVE Andreea Bălan, on the verge of death for the second time.  What Doctors Discovered About Your Abdomen
EXCLUSIVE Andreea Bălan, on the verge of death for the second time. What the doctors discovered about your abdomen

The condition of the artist is good, even if she still feels weak. He is not allowed to receive visitors, but he posted a video on his social media accounts to assure his fans that he is fine and that he will be back home in a few days:

“Dear friends, I want to tell you that I am fine. I was hospitalized on Monday night with severe abdominal pain. After investigations, the doctors discovered an abdominal abscess. I should have had surgery on Tuesday, but I was very lucky and shortly before the scheduled operation, the doctors managed to drain it. Now I am under treatment and observation. Thank you all for the beautiful messages. No visits are allowed in the hospital, but with me were the people that I love and who are present in my life. I cannot wait to come home and hug Ella and Clara. I wish you all the best! “ Andreea Bălan said on her Instagram account.

George Burcea, concerned for Andreea Bălan

Recently released from quarantine after contacting the SARS COV2 virus, George Burcea learned from the press that his ex-wife is in hospital. He tried by all means to find out news about it, but without success:

“I’ve been trying to find Andreea since I came out of quarantine, but absolutely no one answers my phone. I also called her mother, I also called the babysitter, I walked in front of the door, I called from there. The problem is that nobody He replied, I also wrote to Andreea Antonescu, everyone. Nobody wanted to tell me anything. I insisted on seeing my girls. The last time I spoke, he told me to do the Covid test after coming out of quarantine, without a test I did not she receives and that’s all. So she didn’t answer me, I found out from the press, in turn, what happened, I didn’t know that she had surgery or that she was wrong. I’m still trying to find someone to tell me about the situation I hope Andreea is well and does not have a very serious health problem “, George Burcea told Fanatik.
