Excellent gesture of PSG! To whom they dedicated the title received at the green table


However, the Parisians had a reassuring advantage at the top of the standings, 12 points and one game less. The club president, Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, dedicates this trophy to those who fight against the coronavirus:

“This trophy is for all medical personnel, our everyday heroes and thousands of other professionals who work every day to keep France running.

We understand, respect and support the Government’s decisions. Health must remain a priority! “

PSG, again the French champion

The leadership of the French league met Thursday in a meeting to decide the fate of the current season. Officials also made the decision public on social media:

Taking into account the decisions and statements of the Prime Minister, but also those of the Government, LFP announces that the 2019/2020 season has ended “, was the official communiqué of the League.

In this context, PSG and Marseille would play directly in the Champions League groups next season, while Rennes would play in the preliminaries of the competition, after occupying third place.

Tags: league 1 , PSG , nasser al-khelaifi
