Europe is trying to isolate itself from the UK after the Covid-19 virus mutation. Romania could also ban flights from the UK today or Monday


Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands are blocking flights to the UK, and Germany and France are preparing to do the same, due to fears about the new Covid-19 strain in south-east England.

“Britain has sounded the alarm about a new form of Covid that is said to be the result of a mutation in the virus. The government has a duty to protect its citizens, which is why, after notifying the British government, we are about to sign the suspension of flights with Great Britain, “announced the Italian Chancellor, Luigi di Maio, according to Corriere. of the night.

The measure by the Dutch authorities – in effect from Sunday until at least January 1 – was taken after authorities confirmed that they had isolated at least one case of the same Covid strain in the Netherlands, causing part of Great Britain had severe restrictions again. .

Following the Netherlands’ decision, Belgium (which also decided to block rail transfers arriving from the UK via France) and Italy, now Germany, according to government sources cited by Reuters, is preparing to suspend flights from the UK and South Africa. France is also considering blocking trains and planes.

According to the Telegraph, Maria Van Kerkhove, director of the technical department to combat the COVID-19 pandemic at the World Health Organization, told the BBC that “the strain has already been identified in Denmark and Australia.”

At this time, flights between the UK and Italy have not been restricted. Several races will arrive in Lombardy on Sunday, another 8 in Lazio and 4 in Veneto.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) has said it is in “close contact” with British authorities. According to WHO, the UK has provided information from ongoing mutation studies and WHO will keep Member States and the public informed “as it learns more about the characteristics of this virus variant and its implications”.

More than 1,000 cases associated with a new strain have been identified in the UK, especially in the south of the country, where the mutation could be linked to an increase in COVID-19 cases, British Health Minister Matt told Reuters. Hancock. .

Romania could ban flights from the UK on Sunday or Monday, DSU chief Raed Arafat announced.

“We had a discussion and the Prime Minister over the phone and the INSP are going to give us a point of view today, an analysis about it. Of course we are following the situation and of course if action is taken, action will be taken. The problem is not that the severity of cases is increasing, but that the number of infected people is increasing. The INSP analysis will be discussed with the Ministry of Health and the rest of the colleagues, ”said Raed Arafat of Digi24.

The Secretary of State for the Home Office stated that Romania could also ban flights from the UK on Sundays or Mondays.

Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands are blocking flights to the UK, and Germany and France are preparing to do the same, due to fears about the new Covid-19 strain in south-east England.

More than 1,000 cases associated with a new strain have been identified in the UK, especially in the south of the country, where the mutation could be linked to an increase in COVID-19 cases, said British Health Minister Matt Hancock, according to Reuters. .

Romania could ban flights from the UK on Sunday or Monday, DSU chief Raed Arafat announced.

“We had a discussion and the Prime Minister over the phone and the INSP are going to give us a point of view today, an analysis about it. Of course we are following the situation and of course if action is taken, action will be taken. The problem is not that the severity of cases is increasing, but that the number of infected people is increasing. The INSP analysis will be discussed with the Ministry of Health and other colleagues, ”said Raed Arafat of Digi24.
