Europe is in quarantine piece by piece! Millions of people face the second wave of contagion with the new coronavirus


Europe reaches new infection records. Yesterday 13,500 cases were registered in France alone, a figure that the country did not reach in March either. More and more countries are facing the second wave of infection.

As more and more countries grapple with the second wave of infection, experts speak of a disturbing phenomenon.

The pandemic has exhausted people, so they no longer follow any rules and that explains the new wave of infection. The situation seems different in Sweden, where the rate of new infections is well below the European average.

Britons who come out of solitary confinement after having tested positive or having been in contact with an infected person must pay £ 1,000.

If the act is repeated, the fine can go up to 10,000 pounds, according to the new regulation.

In the northeast of England, the restrictions are even more severe. Approximately 13 million people can no longer receive friends or other family members at home. In fact, bars and restaurants close at 10 pm

The British Health Minister announced that the option of a second national quarantine is being considered if the number of patients does not decrease.

The mayor of London asks the Government to impose harsh restrictions in the Capital, where, according to experts, the second wave of the pandemic can arrive in just a few days. However, many Londoners do not believe in the virus and have protested against the restriction of freedoms.


September 20, 15:15
