EU companies have suspended deliveries to the UK due to post-Brexit red tape


Some European Union retail companies have suspended deliveries to customers in the United Kingdom, in the context of new conditions imposed by the British authorities after Brexit, and dissatisfied British customers are advised to approach MPs for the who voted, reports BBC News, quoted by Mediafax.

Dutch bicycle parts company Bike Bits has announced that it will deliver to all countries except the UK. “British policy forces us to stop cooperating with British customers,” the company said.

Another Belgium-based company, Beer On Web, has said it will avoid Britain “because of the measures taken in the context of Brexit.”

Companies are unhappy about having to face higher costs and additional bureaucracy due to the conditions imposed by the UK tax authorities. The British Revenue and Customs Service (HMRC) amended the regulations on the payment of VAT on January 1, in the context of concluding the post-Brexit transition. VAT is collected at points of sale, not at points of import, and products within the EU are treated in the same way as those outside the Community. Basically, foreign retail companies that deliver products to the UK must subscribe to UK VAT if the value of the product is less than 150 euros (£ 135).

“For this service, the British authorities intend to tax all companies in the world that export to the UK. Clearly, this is ridiculous for a country, imagine that all countries in the world would have the same idea. If each country decided to behave the same, We would have 195 taxes every year, we would have to adapt to the changes in the tax legislation of 195 countries, have balance sheets from 195 countries and make payments to 195 tax offices from 195 countries, to overcome all obstacles and show that we do all these things with honesty and without errors ”, argued the Dutch company Bike Bits.

“If you are unhappy with this situation and have every right to be, please contact your elected representatives in the UK,” said Dutch Bike Bits.

Other companies hope that their own decisions to suspend UK deliveries are only temporary. Finnish company Scandinavian Outdoor, reported: “At the moment, we do not deliver in Great Britain. Due to Brexit, we temporarily closed the store for customers domiciled in the UK. Orders will be possible as soon as the VAT registration and the entire UK sales procedure is resolved after Brexit. ”

Publisher: Liviu Cojan
