Emil Constantinescu mops the floor with Gabriel Liiceanu: ‘A failed philosopher, full of hatred and obsessed with money’ + Revelations about the writer’s fortune – Source news


There is a big scandal between Emil Constantinescu, the former president of Romania, Emil Constantinescu, the president of the Scientific Council of the Institute for Advanced Studies for Culture and Civilization of the Levant, and the writer Gabriel Liiceanu. The Board of Directors of the Institute of Advanced Studies for Culture and Civilization of the Levant cleans the floor with Gabriel Liiceanu, in response to a text signed by him in which he describes the institute as “sinecure”.

It all started with a text “A spiritual genocide”, the preface to Valeriu Nicolae’s book, “Not all! Romania in the clutches of imposture ”, launched by the Humanitas publishing house, in which Liiceanu rhetorically asks: Science or the Levante Institute, in positions paid with 15-20,000 euros per month, in the salaries of cohorts of relatives placed in Parliament , in ministries and other state institutions or with money never recovered from the hundreds of millions of euros stolen from the budget? “.

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Is Liiceanu functionally illiterate? Don’t you know that sinecure means receiving money without doing anything? Hard to believe. His repeated attacks on the Levant Institute have only one explanation. The hatred of a failed philosopher, unemployed and ignored internationally, directed against researchers and scientists who have this recognition and transfer it to the younger generation. Without this unbridled hatred, it would not have placed the Levante Institute in a demagogic sequence of institutions, in a monstrous attempt to instigate the laurel. Without this rampant hatred, he might have discovered that Instituto Levante has results and is working.

Liiceanu is lying and this is not the first time. His lies reached delusional proportions. In an ambiguous wording, he knowingly suggests that there are positions at the Levante Institute that are paid monthly with 15-20,000 euros per month. That means 75,000 – 100,000 lei. False. Liiceanu relapses, after a report released by Digi 24 stated that at the Levante Institute “researchers, accountants, experts, have more than 750,000 euros in annual salary.” False. Salaries at the Levante Institute, from expert to scientific researcher I (the equivalent of a university professor), advertised transparently on the institution’s website, are 3,000 – 6,000 lei. How disconnected can you be from reality, how blinded by hatred, to bring the lie to these monstrous proportions?

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Liiceanu is an imposter. He likes to consider himself a moral landmark of Romanian society, but he is just a greedy and frustrated individual, crushed by envy and hatred. When President Traian Băsescu scornfully declared that Romania did not need philosophers, he nodded. Now he incites hatred to intellectuals who are not servants of the camaraderie he has established, nor to impostors. As a moral landmark of Romanian society, the impostor is Liiceanu. He once said that only man can move in two completely opposite directions: intentional truth and falsehood. His claims about the Levant Institute are willful falsehoods.

So far we have not responded to the challenges that have been set out to drag the Levante Institute into publicized political scandals, but we have an obligation to restore the truth and defend the honor of wrongly accused investigators. To stop imposture, lies and deception poisoned by hatred.

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Liiceanu is obsessed with money. Rack up money for luxury cars and a sumptuous three-story villa, where he lives alone. You see money even where it isn’t. It is our turn to ask: how many million euros did Liiceanu get from Romania’s budget? Someone has calculated, until now, how many hospitals, schools and roads could have been made, in three decades, with the money from the profits of the publishing house Humanitas, the former political publishing house, owned by the Romanian state, that his friend Pleşu, as minister . of Culture, did you give it to Liiceanu? He could have been named its editor, because no one disputes his qualities as an editor. But this means that Liiceanu would have had a monthly salary of 3,000 – 6,000 lei, as much as the salaries of the Levante Institute. And I would have lived without luxury cars and without a sumptuous villa ”, is shown in a statement signed by the Board of Directors of the Institute for Advanced Studies for Culture and Civilization of Levante.

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