Emi Pian’s UNKNOWN past: the strange place where he hid when the police were looking for him


The death of Emi Pian, known as the leader of the Duduianu clan, was transformed, by some, into a kind of national event. What has not been shown, however, is her true past and the clan she represents.

I noticed, after the death of Emi Pian, a series of stories about beatings in which the characters were called, nonsense, “thieves”. Romania has recently “adopted” the term “thief” for anyone who uses violence or steals. It is clear that the tragic event caught the public.

At the same time, there were also inventions in the past of the Duduian clan. It’s just that the essentials have been forgotten. How did the Duduian clan make the front pages of today’s newspapers?

In the 90s law enforcement sources tell DC News, Emi Pian was a petty criminal: fake rings, steals horses. It was not a name in Romania, and the Duduians were not a clan, but a normal Romani family, living off small “criminal boats”.

And, whenever the Judiciary “fell” in the sections that registered crimes in the peripheral areas that resembled the way in which Emi Pian’s family operated, they looked for him at his home.

They were always looking for him behind the closet. There, Emi Pian had made a kind of false wall. All the police officers in charge of the case knew about it. The information came from her children who, caught with thieves and asked by a head of the judiciary where the father was, said that … from the closet.

No one was fooling Emi Pian for the simple fact that it was absurd. When he did things that were against the rules of society, yes. “Looking for him just to call him Pian?” That’s absurd! “Police sources also told us.

The fact that Emi Pian had ordered the Manelists, a false news, claim the same sources. Besides that, the relatives of Pian said, after his death, that Emi Pian was not as people see him, but a simple man.

So Emi Pian’s family is a family that, a few decades ago, started with petty crimes. Raised in this style over time, members of the Duduianu clan have come to be investigated, over time, for protection fees, usury, blackmail, human trafficking, drugs, pimping or murder.

Emi Pian’s funeral was shocking for those working in the judicial area at the time simply because they knew the true past. How did you get here ?!

The capital was not divided by clans after Pian’s assassination. At least not as reported. Clans have their own world and have “business” with each other, but these details are always omitted.

Emi Pian died at the age of 39, on the night of August 3-4, after a fight with a bearded man. She was left with three children, two boys and a girl, as well as three grandchildren.
