Elena Udrea caught running through the sea …


Elena Udrea left the hotel at 6:00 am, wearing a T-shirt and white shorts. First he warmed up, then he ran for an hour on the beach. Although the people on the beach turned their heads behind her, Udrea continued her career unhindered. In the end, he put his feet in the sea water to cool off, then retired to his room.

Elena Udrea recently revealed how she manages to stay in shape and said she trains hard. “I often massage my body with oil or heat cream. I go to the gym at least three times a week and follow the same diet for several years. I make sure I eat what my blood type allows and not overdo it. But still I get rid of him. ” and sometimes when I’m not allowed. I am fasting and that helps me a lot. I don’t like sweets, instead I like bad bread completely, “said Elena Udrea.

ALSO READ: Elena Udrea, CHALLENGERS on Facebook: with her back uncovered and a message for PHOTO fans
