Elena Udrea and the great project of her life. Her partner confirmed all the plans.


Thus, Adrian Alexandrov spoke without reservation on this subject in an Antena Stars program, clearing up all the mystery.

The partner of who in the period December 2009-February 2012 was Minister of Regional Development and Tourism stated:

“Elena Udrea is not pregnant. There is too much love for Eva right now to have another baby. But we don’t say no, maybe in a year or two …”

Elena Udrea gave birth to Eva María on September 20, 2018, so in 11 days the first 3 years of the little girl will follow.

Former Romanian presidential candidate (no. – in 2014, from PMP) and Adrian Alexandrov have been together since June 2016, when the two started dating.

This is what Elena Udrea declared two years ago about the beginnings of her love story with the seductive Adrian Alexandrov, in an interview for VIVA! Magazine:

“We had known each other for a while, we used to meet in the gym, we said hi, but at least I didn’t even know his name.

We met by chance, after a while, in the city, at the end of June 2016. I had just gotten out of the other relationship (no, Valentin Chifu, whom he met after the divorce from Dorin Cocos).

So I was alone and open to a new beginning. We exchanged a few words, he gave me his business card, and in the following days we had coffee together and that was about our debut as a couple.

Started in June 2015, the relationship with Valentin Chifu did not last until the spring of 2016.

“I am a person who believes in love. He is the man who was with me during the most difficult period of my life, at a time when old friends decided to move, to give up on me.

He visited me, arrested me and supported me all the time. Valentin is a man of the people, as some would say.

He doesn’t have a fortune in the millions, he doesn’t have expensive cars, he doesn’t have rich parents, and he doesn’t have high-profile relationships.

He knows very well what a modest life means, especially since a few years ago he was renting.

(…) Finished. Valentin and I are no longer together. That’s! But we are still friends, we live in the same neighborhood, one block away ”, declared Udrea for cancan.ro.

Read the rest on retetesivedete. in.
