Elena Lasconi fired the heads of the Local Police and the central market of Câmpulung. “It doesn’t work like that anymore”


Elena Lasconi, the mayor of Câmpulung Muscel, fired the head of the Local Police and the head of the central market on Sunday because they did not apply the rules imposed by the authorities to reduce coronavirus infections.

Lasconi also closed the city’s central market until Monday to take security measures.

“In Câmpulung we do not play with people’s health. I decided to close the central square. Last week we tried to reopen it with the help of the prefect, with the help of DSP and the Gendarmerie and the Municipal Police. But the market chief did not follow the instructions. rules to cut the two rows of windows to make an air circuit. Precisely for this reason, I released the market chief and the local police commander, because they did not provide security and disinfectant and thermometer at the entrance, as it should be. Unfortunately, Today I close the market, tomorrow we will reopen it after all security measures are taken, because here it is not working as before, ”Elena Lasconi transmitted in a post on Facebook.

In Câmpulung and in several towns in Argeș, the infection rate surpassed the threshold of 3 per thousand last week. As of Saturday, at 00:00 hours, the restaurants and game rooms, cinemas and show rooms were closed. The only exceptions are the restaurants and cafes inside the guest houses and hotels that will exclusively cater to the people staying in these units.

Two weeks ago, the Orban government introduced a new set of measures to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. Among them, the Executive also decided to close all the markets in the country that operate in closed spaces.

Market managers quickly adapted and removed windows and exterior aisle walls so they didn’t have to close.

But the measure was contested by several politicians, and last week, deputies voted to amend a law that states that, during the alert, markets can operate indoors.

The Chamber of Deputies is the decision-making body.

It is an amendment proposed by the leader of the PSD, Marcel Ciolacu, and the senator of the PSD, Daniel Zamfir, which stipulates that closed markets, fairs, fairs, mixed and flying markets and flea markets can remain open during the alert, “in compliance with protection measures. health “.

”During the alert state, the agri-food markets in closed spaces, fairs, fairs, mixed and flying markets, flea markets, as defined according to art. 7 par. (1) of Government Decision No. 348/2004 on the exercise of the trade of market products and services in some public areas, with subsequent modifications and completions, they will be able to continue their activity, complying with the restrictions on social distancing and health protection measures ”, it reads in the amendment. It has already been admitted, signed by Marcel Ciolacu and Daniel Zamfir.
