Electric scooters, DANGER in traffic or necessity? Titi Aur, KEY question: “Complex and delicate subject”


Titi Aur, an expert in defensive driving, spoke exclusively to DC NEWS about the danger of electric scooters in traffic, but also on sidewalks.

“It is a very complex and delicate subject. We need mobility in cities, mobility because there are a lot of people anyway, and scooters are very good, because they don’t even pollute and they are very practical. At the same time, the story is very out of place. security control Anyone can ride a scooter The fact that technology is advancing so much, so fast, puts us at a disadvantage again because it goes very hard with a light scooter with great autonomy, it reaches 50 km / h Once out of control, when you hit the ground or someone else, is very serious. Then comes the question. What to do? If we keep them, they are dangerous, if we don’t keep them, we move harder.

The infrastructure in no country is prepared for electric scooters, much less in Romania. If in western countries, Germany, Denmark, there are those bike lanes, where the scooter can be assimilated with the bicycle, in Romania we don’t even have those tracks, which means that the scooter is driven by a child and someone without a license, and therefore someone under the influence of alcohol, walks down the street, between the cars. It is so delicate and difficult to solve this problem … no clear regulation can be reached! ”, Titi Aur declared exclusively for DC NEWS.

Category A permit, a small but insufficient step

“The category A license would be a small step, because it would mean that the person who gets on the scooter has a minimum background of traffic knowledge. But once you get on the scooter you forget that the car does not stop when it wants to, that the driver does not see you From another angle, the danger is very high, this story has been debated in all circles of defensive driving and at least we are trying to find minimal solutions, so we know that if drivers were in the school, the number of accidents would certainly decrease. But in the electric scooter, we and other entities have not been able to find a formula that reconciles the goat and the cabbage. Because, once again, if you leave them they are very dangerous, if you put them back taking out is difficult. ”said the specialist.

Police can’t stop scooters

“The police cannot intervene, because they have no law. The police can only enforce the law, they cannot do anything because they believe so. The law does not exist! Some time ago it was decided that scooters go to the street, no on the sidewalk, because they were running over pedestrians, and in fact, it is dangerous, and a strong adult is quite run over if that happens, much less a pregnant woman, a child …

But it’s not good between cars, either. From the age of 14 it is allowed to travel by scooter If you are on a scooter at 14, you are extremely vulnerable. You didn’t have a driver’s license, you had the mind of a child, that is, a little self-preservation instinct. When you see the car, you get the impression that the driver always sees you, that he is avoiding you. It’s not like that! Sometimes the car doesn’t stop, sometimes it doesn’t turn, for various reasons ”, Titi Aur concluded.
