Election messages, written by a person in bad faith, to provide ammunition to a candidate.


The Bucharest Transport Company (STB) reacts to Nicușor Dan’s accusations and claims that “a person in bad faith intentionally wrote electoral messages on a blackboard that is often used to display information about traffic situations.” The purpose of this person would be, according to STB, “to provide ammunition” to a candidate for mayor.

The STB statement comes as a reaction to the accusations of Nicușor Dan, who presented at a press conference a photo with a blackboard of the Military Autobase, on which electoral messages were written in chalk. Nicusor Dan said that these messages appeared on Wednesday at the STB bus station in Militari.

“A person in bad faith intentionally wrote electoral messages on a blackboard that is generally used to display information about traffic situations or, as the case may be, the hours of operation of the cashier. The Bucharest Transport Company is delimited from such situations and considers it to be a reprehensible gesture by a Company employee, made with the sole purpose of providing ammunition to a candidate for City Council and denigrate the work and effort of their colleagues. We express our regret that such a level has been reached in the election campaign, and the employees are confronting each other, when in reality they all have a common goal: to guarantee quality public transport for the residents of Bucharest “, STB transmits, quoted from Mediafax .

“Grotesque and outrageous PSD propaganda for Sunday’s elections in Bucharest! ! This is what the union leaders of STB say to the employees of STB, this is how these leaders, registered on the PSD list for the General Council of the Capital, understand to mobilize the world to vote for the current mayor and her party. And this happens in 2020, at an STB bus base in Bucharest, which was practically transformed into a PSD campaign headquarters. With Firea and PSD, we returned in 1990, to Iliescu and FSN, to the security guards who made the workers scream. . And also, with primary Nature, the law of silence was imposed in the mayor’s office, from which the octopus of corruption that we fight today has expanded. In a memorandum dated August 10, 2018, exactly the day the PSD government gassed and beat the people of Bucharest in Victoriei Square, Firea ordered mayors and all directors of institutions subordinate to PMB not to give no information or documents to the Council. General of the Municipality of Bucharest without your express consent. This is how a corrupt and wasteful system is built, which encourages people not to think and, when necessary, prohibits them from speaking, “the candidate supported by PNL and USR in the capital city council commented on Facebook.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
