Education Ministry Announcement: When Students Could Return to School Benches – Source News


According to an official from the Ministry of Education, students could return to school benches after winter break, in February, at the beginning of the second semester of the school year. The announcement was made by the Secretary of State for the Ministry of Education, Sorin Ion. It all depends, of course, on the evolution of the epidemiological situation in Romania.

In a pessimistic scenario, the courses could also be held online, until the end of the school year. However, in this context, digital illiteracy could be a problem that could be exacerbated.

Romania has one of the weakest education systems in Europe, and is also in last place in Europe in terms of technology use, according to a study conducted in 2019.

The coronavirus pandemic has also compounded the problems. Among them, the inequalities between students in the city and those in rural areas, the lack of adequate infrastructure for 2020, but also the digital illiteracy of teachers.

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Many teachers in Romania do not support classes due to lack of internet connection or access to devices. In 2020, many teachers say they do not know how to use a smartphone, laptop or tablet. Basically, in 8 months, some teachers say that they have not learned to use the smartphone either in a trained or individual way. Simion Hăncescu, leader of the Federation of Free Trade Unions for Education, confirmed problems in the system.

“This matter had to be resolved by the ministry, with the training course. Who was ready to teach online? It has been 8 months since the pandemic started, so there was enough time to organize these courses.

The situation with the team is disastrous. No teacher received any equipment. The law has been on the Monitor since July and no lion has been assigned for teacher laptops.

Everyone works with what they can. With phones, tablets. According to the ministry, for those who do not have access to technology, teachers must multiply the materials and return home with the students. In Calarasi, for example … This is the real Romania. There are families with 5-6 children, who live on the minimum income. The situation is worse than it seems, “Simion Hăncescu told

After all schools entered the red stage, the authorities decided to introduce new measures in support of teachers, but also of students: webinars for teachers, tablets for children, but also a support TelVerde.

In this context, the Minister of Education, Monica Anisie, published a set of measures that were designed both for the good of students and to help teachers who do not have the skills developed to use the online environment.

According to him, all teachers who need guidance for online learning will benefit from webinars, for each subject, coordinated by experts from the Ministry of Education.

In addition, another 82,000 tablets will be distributed in the country, and children without internet access will receive educational materials at home. Additionally, a county-level TelVerde will be provided for teachers, students, and parents, where there will be answers and solutions to specific problems.
