Earthquake in the art world! The famous wizard died suddenly. The fans are in shock


The famous magician James Randi died. He died in the United States at the age of 92. Throughout his career, Randi has made a name for himself by investigating activities that were thought to be paranormal.

James Randi was born in Canada in 1928. He became known around the world and won the sympathy of the public because he was one of the biggest skeptics and critics of paranormal activity.

Early in his career, he was a simple magician, known by the stage name The Amazing Randi.

His career as a magician was a success due to the tricks he did. Randi offered viewers many absolutely spectacular moments with famous people, such as Alice Cooper, in which place he took the stage, leaving the audience with the illusion that the artist is actually performing his movements in front of the spectators.

30 years ago, he began to devote all of his time and resources to researching phenomena that supposedly had characteristics of the supernatural “domain.”

Although he was listed as one of the greatest magicians of all time, Randi constantly reminded the audience that his numbers were based only on simple tricks, not actual magic. Also, whenever he got the chance, the famous wizard abolished people who claimed to have paranormal powers, making them test their supposed supernatural abilities. Randi unmasked many false faith healers who claimed to receive messages from God.

Randi founded a foundation named after him, the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF). The institution said it would provide a million dollars to the person who can publicly demonstrate that they have supernatural powers. So far, all the candidates have failed, not even passing the first series of tests that tested their abilities, the BBC reports.
