EARTHQUAKE in RSU: one of the founding members RESIGNED in protest – News by sources


One of USB’s founding members and the lawyer who registered USR in the Bucharest Court, Dumitru Dobrev, resigned from the party, protesting what happened to Vlad Teohari. Dobrev announces that he will support Teohari in court, in the lawsuit he files against the USR.

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“I resigned from the National Office of RSU

Justice for Vlad Teohari

I am one of the founders of USB and the lawyer who registered USR in the Bucharest Court in April 2016. Since then, I have defended USR in all types of lawsuits, from appeals to AEP decisions to alliance registration to the European Parliament.

Today I defend the spirit of RSU against a party that has forgotten its principles and values.

When I entered politics, together with Nicușor Dan, I was suffocated by the injustice that I saw every day, in my professional life, in court.

In my opinion, the PSD was the great evil: those who trample on justice, truth and democracy.

These days, the evil was even USR’s BN.

RSU National Office, with a majority of 13 to 12, provided by Dan Barna’s loyal team: Cătălin Drulă, Ionuț Moșteanu, Claudiu Năsui, Criastian Moș, Radu Mihail, Vlad Botoș, Liviu Malureanu, Diana Mureșan, Silvia Dinică, Iulian Bulai, Cătălin Stancu, Cristina Prună and, of course, Dan Barna – invalidated Vlad Teohari’s candidacy for the Chamber of Deputies, elected by the USR Diaspora branch at the top of the list, for the crime of opinion.

Vlad’s fault is that he signed a protest letter 11 months ago, which I and a few hundred USR colleagues signed.

Apparently, the invalidation was “for integrity reasons”. For 11 months, none of the hundreds of signatories suffered sanctions for that reason. Vlad Teohari’s feat is really very serious.

Today, as a lawyer for Vlad Teohari, I filed an appeal with the Bucharest Court against the USR PLUS list of candidates for the diaspora in the Chamber of Deputies.

In it I will defend Vlad to the end to find justice.

I resigned from the National Office of RSU. Now I am available to the Sector 4 Field Office: I am waiting to be excluded, because I also signed the letter signed by Vlad. Either we were all wrong or Barna’s team sanctioned the chosen opponents.

For me it is inadmissible that the party I built is “different” to trample on a valuable young man and leave him alive with the stigma that he was invalidated for reasons of “integrity” by the party he was from. part – actually, for a crime of opinion.

Between the party and justice, I choose justice.

Between the USR and USR values, I choose the latter.


Press release

Attorney Dumitru Dobrev Represents Vlad Teohari, Who Challenges the USR PLUS Diaspora Candidate List

The lawyer Dumitru Dobrev, partner of the Dobrinescu Dobrev SCA law firm, represents as elected defender Vlad Mihai Teohari, a member of the USR Diaspora whose candidacy was invalidated by the National RSU Office, due to the negative opinion issued by the National Arbitration Commission. .

Vlad Teohari won the internal elections in the Diaspora branch of the USR, being elected in 1st place on the list of the Chamber of Deputies, but his candidacy was invalidated by the USR less than 48 hours before the deadline to present the lists of candidates for the Electoral Table. district.

“I am one of the founders of Save Bucharest Union and the lawyer who registered the Save Romania Union in the Bucharest Court in 2016. Since then I have defended RSU in all kinds of lawsuits, from appeals to AEP decisions to the registration of the alliance for the European Parliament.

Today I defend the spirit of RSU against a leadership that has forgotten the principles and values ​​of the party. When I entered politics, together with Nicușor Dan, I was suffocated by the injustice that I saw every day, in my professional life, in court.

Vlad Teohari had the right to be elected, his right to defense was violated and he was discriminated against by many other colleagues, co-signers of the same letter, who were able to stand in the local elections on September 27. In addition, the USR National Arbitration Commission exceeded the regulatory deadline by which it could rule on the validity of Vlad’s candidacy by 20 days and considered that he lacked integrity for a matter strictly related to freedom of expression.

Today, as Vlad Teohari’s lawyer, I filed an appeal with the Bucharest Court against the list of candidates for the diaspora, in the Chamber of Deputies, of USR PLUS.

I resigned from the National RSU Office and will defend Vlad to the end to find justice, “said Dumitru Dobrev.

Vlad Teohari is an engineer, established in France since 2016. He studied and trained both in Romania and in 4 other European countries: France, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Denmark. From the age of 22 he became involved in a project aimed at people with epilepsy. The project gained momentum and managed to win numerous competitions.

With this project, he represented Romania in the United States in the ImagineCup world final, a contest organized by Microsoft, and gave a speech at the TEDx Bucharest conference in 2015. He currently works in France, in project management, in a company that deals with consulting aerospace.

“Being labeled as non-integrity by a group of 7 people, and this to represent the position of a party that fights for decency and for which you fought for ideals for 4 years, is at least frustrating, not to mention painful and destructive.

What happened on Monday is a great injustice to the internal democracy of our party. A party that since 2016 has earned its reputation through the work of each member who fights against abuse and for meritocracy or transparency, declared me incomplete because I joined a letter in 2019 in which I pointed out the slippage of the current one. leadership, without even having the right to defense or being officially informed before the case is discussed.

I was one of dozens, or even hundreds, of the signatory members of that letter. The National Bureau, with 13 votes out of 25, accepted the negative opinion of the Arbitration Commission and annulled my candidacy, although, at the same meeting, it validated another person in the same situation.

The image that is created around me and that can affect the public perception of me as an individual in society also affects my family and especially those who supported and voted for me throughout this adventure.

The user spirit is about people who fight for principles, values ​​and ideals. I will not accept the injustice that was done to me and I will defend my rights in all the legal ways I have, ”said Vlad Teohari.

Dumitru Dobrev is a lawyer with 20 years of experience in private law litigation, administrative litigation, national and international arbitrations. He is a doctor of law and researcher at the “Andrei Rădulescu” Institute of Legal Research of the Romanian Academy.

Dumitru is a former environmental and heritage activist, being one of the lawyers for the Save Roșia Montană campaign. He represented numerous associations in Bucharest, such as the Save Bucharest Association, the Save Dămăroaia Association and New Bucharest, the Eco-civic Association, in the process of saving parks and historic buildings in Bucharest, ”writes Dobrev.
