In April, the Cluj Court convicted the mayor of bribery.
Today’s September 21 ruling by the Cluj County Council is final and enforceable, meaning that Viorel Matiș loses his term as mayor.
By the same decision, Mayor Viorel Matiș is also obliged to carry out unpaid work for the benefit of the community for 60 days within the Huedin Town Hall or at the Mănăstireni Commune Town Hall.
According to investigators, PSD Mayor Viorel Matiş was sent to trial by prosecutors from the Cluj Court Deputy Prosecutor for bribery. The investigation showed that between November 2017 and March 2018, he gave the amount of 1,000 lei and 200 euros to a person claiming to be a journalist so that he would not publish defamatory articles about him.
The mayor was deceived by the journalist who told him that he has a blog and will write an article in which he will denounce various irregularities. The journalist, however, is not part of any professional journalists’ organization.
Mayor Appeals to Cluj County Council and Loses Term
Dissatisfied with the Cluj court ruling, the mayor appealed to the Cluj City Council, but was rejected.
“In accordance with art. 421 point 1 on. b of the Code of Criminal Procedure rejects as unfounded the appeal declared by the defendant MV – against criminal sentence no. 114 of April 9, 2020 of the Cluj Court ”, transmitted the Cluj Court of Appeal.
According to the Law on the Statute of Local Elected Officials, the quality of mayor ceases, by right, before the expiration of the normal mandate in case of conviction, by final judicial decision, to a custodial sentence.
Therefore, the prefect of the county of Cluj must issue these days the order verifying the termination of Viorl Matiș of the mandate of mayor of the commune of Beliș, according to ziarulfaclia.ro