€ 89,000 bribe in hospitals in Brașov and Harghita. DNA prosecutors have begun investigation


Those responsible for some hospitals in Brașov and Harghita reportedly received almost 89,000 euros in bribes for awarding overpriced contracts.

Investigators searched 22 addresses on Thursday, including two COVID hospitals in Brasov and one in Odorheiu Secuiesc. The investigations also target the head of the Brasov office of the police special operations department, but also a subordinate of his.

The alleged acts of corruption allegedly occurred in the last 12 months and would have created damage of more than 1.5 million lei, say prosecutors, who do not provide too many details of the case at the moment.

The hospitals in question allegedly purchased overpriced medical products and equipment, some of which did not even meet compliance requirements and some that were not necessary.

The first medical unit where DNA prosecutors ruled was neurology hospital in Brasov, who now cares for COVID patients.

Searches were also carried out on infectious disease hospital in Brasov. Even the medical director led investigators inside the building.

They are listed in the same case the head of the special operations office in Brasov and an officer subordinate to him.

The structure of which both are part ensures the collection of evidence in complex investigations and can intercept. It is possible that information was leaked from here even to those suspected of corruption.

Prosecutors searched the homes of entrepreneurs in Brasov and Iasi, as well as the offices of a company that allegedly benefited from preferential contracts. Instead, he allegedly promised and paid officials between 5,000 and 89,000 euros.

One of the searches on Andrei Kadas

One of the addresses is not unknown to researchers.
Ten months ago, another raid was carried out here, for cybercrime.

Andrei Kadas, the ex-husband of the woman who lives here, At the time, the councilor accused the police of abusively breaking into the house and scaring his children. The descent took place on February 13, 2020

Andrei Kadas, Councilor of the City Council: “They broke into the house for my ex-wife, for the two minor children, the children took refuge in a room, scared, the boy was wounded. They waved the papers in their hands and said they have a mandate, they have a mandate! “

After proving that he was lying and had connections with the mafia clans, Andrei Kadas resigned from all public positions he held; Among them, the president of the health commission of the Provincial Council and member of the boards of directors of the hospitals registered today.

Crimes investigated in DNA

DNA prosecutors are investigating an open criminal case at the Brasov Territorial Service. Currently the investigations are being carried out “in rem”, that is, the facts are verified and not the people, it is reflected in a DNA statement.

DNA prosecutors are gathering evidence for alleged crimes of bribery, bribery, influence peddling, influence buying, abuse of power with improper benefits and other crimes assimilated to corruption, the source said.

“The case refers to the alleged fraudulent allocation, by those responsible for some hospitals in Brasov and Harghita counties, of contracts through which the respective units would have bought overpriced medical equipment and products, some of which did not even comply compliance conditions, and others were not even necessary “, mention the prosecutors.

To award preferential contracts paid with public money, the researchers say, the hospitals in question would have organized formal procedures by which a certain company would be designated as the winner.

On the other hand, those responsible for the hospitals and / or people with ancestry and influence over them would have received sums of money from the legal representative of the respective company. The investigation showed that fraudulent activities would have occurred between 2019 and 2020, damages to hospitals would amount to a total of 1,669,234 lei, and the amounts of money delivered / promised by the company representative would range between 5,000 euros. and 89,000 euros “, The researchers also said.

On Thursday, prosecutors from ADN – Braşov Territorial Service carried out house searches at 22 locations located within Braşov, Harghita and Iaşi counties, of which four are public institutions, the rest represent the domiciles of some people and the headquarters of some commercial companies.

According to some judicial sources, the records were carried out at three COVID hospitals: the Brasov Clinical Neurology and Psychiatry Hospital, the Odorhei Municipal Hospital, the Infectious Diseases Hospital, but also at the headquarters of the Office of Special Operations in Brasov.
