Dynamo has another chance! Forced to pay another million euros for another debt


The red-white leadership must obtain a million euros to pay a new debt, which gave them a lot of trouble In recent years.

How did Dinamo get into debt with a million euros?

What’s really going on? Dinamo midfielder Ionuț banerban (24) does not want to continue with the Red Whites next season, except under certain conditions. If Banerban leaves Dinamo, a clause will be activated immediately, according to which Vasile Șiman, the former owner of Student Sports, will collect the amount with six zeros.

“It is true, we did not reach an agreement the last time we discussed.” It remained that we did not prolong. I told them that I would only stay at Dinamo if I played.

If it’s going to be like this, I don’t want to stay! I wanted guarantees. They told me I couldn’t guarantee it. “, Serban told ProSport.

Dinamo’s management tried to convince banerban to give up his salary, but the midfielder refused

“I did not accept a lower salary. It is not about money, but I cannot accept less than what I have at the moment. I cannot leave more than I left all these years,” added Banerban.

How Dinamo chose Ionuțerban, “the prisoner of luxury”

The current contract between Dinamo and Ionuț Șerban expires at June 30, 2020, but the player wants other financial conditions this summer. According to sources close to Digi Sport, banerban will ask the red and white officials to be paid monthly in the amount of 8,000 euros.

Alexandru David, the former president of Dinamo, spoke on this subject in February 2019.

“Ionuț banerban can stay at Dinamo as long as he can play soccer.” It is not Vasile Șiman’s contract that keeps him here, but Anghelache’s. I think Shiman just signed! But he couldn’t refuse. When someone comes along and puts you on a contract like that, I don’t think you’re saying ‘Look, it’s not right for you.’

In summary, the contract establishes that if the player, for reasons beyond his control, terminates his agreement, Dinamo must give Shiman 1 million euros. “, then he said to Digi Sport, Alexandru David

January 2018 Vasile Șiman explained under what conditions Dinamo’s big problem can be solved.

“I don’t know all the details, there is a contract that the player signed in 2013 and that he knows very well.” Ask Dinamo about this.

The solutions are to terminate the contract, but if banerban goes somewhere, he will want Dinamo’s terms. That is normal, right?He said, at the time, Șiman for Digi Sport.

  1. 5,000 euros is the salary of Ionuț Șerban in Dinamo

Tags: dynamo transfers , vasile şiman , ionut denied , dynamo problems , ionut serban
