DSP Neamț confirms that the ATI section on fire was reconfigured on the day of the fire, without requesting an opinion


The leadership of the Neamţ Public Health Directorate (DSP) confirmed, on Sunday evening, in a statement, that the ATI section of the Piatra-Neamţ County Emergency Hospital was reconfigured on the day of the fire without applying for a permit.

“In order to increase the capacity of the ATI department for COVID-19 positive patients, the functional circuits on the second floor were modified by building a wall. Here, the positive patients had to be treated in two 8-bed wards. Until then, positive patients were treated on the third floor. For these changes, the health unit did not request the approval of the Neamţ Public Health Directorate. The reconfiguration of the ATI department and the relocation of COVID-positive patients, from the third floor to second floor, it was carried out without approval, on November 14, 2020. It obtains, before the intervention of any modification, either of the structure or of the functional circuits, the approval of the regional Public Health Directorates ” , it follows from the statement of DSP Neamţ.

The tragedy at Neamț County Hospital, in which ten people died, brings to the fore several unanswered questions or contradictory statements.

The county prefect, George Lazăr, had stated on Digi24 on Sunday morning that the hospital was wrong because it moved the ATI section from the 3rd floor to the 2nd floor without DSP approval. Subsequently, the hospital management specified that the ATI department had the approval of DSP Neamţ, and the modifications made for its expansion were carried out in an area other than the fire area.

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban also stated that the construction works were carried out at the Piatra Neamţ county hospital without the approval of the Directorate of Public Health (DSP) and the State Inspectorate for the Control of Boilers, Pressure Vessels and Elevation Facilities (ISCIR).
