DSP makes further clarifications in the case of the Bacău woman who died on the day of vaccination


The Public Health Directorate arrives with new details about the 73-year-old woman from Bacău who died on the day of the vaccination and states that no causal link between death and vaccination has been established. The woman had heart and neurological problems and diabetes. He had no side effects in the 15 minutes after the vaccine, and his blood pressure and heart rate, measured at triage, were normal, authorities said in a press release sent to Agerpres.

The 73-year-old woman died Friday night after being vaccinated against Covid-19 a few hours earlier.

She was vaccinated according to the schedule on the platform, and at triage, her blood pressure, heart rate and heart rate were normal, says DSP. In the 15 minutes after the vaccination, while she was supervised by the coordinating doctor of the center, the elderly woman had no side effects, so she was allowed to go home.

“According to the information contained at the UPU-SJU Bacău level, the patient presented symptoms that required emergency medical attention, in the context of multiple existing comorbidities. In the clinical and paraclinical examination carried out within the Emergency Reception Unit-SJU Bacău, the patient was diagnosed with a major heart rhythm disorder, which did not respond to resuscitation maneuvers and determined death, “said DSP Bacău.

According to the cited source, the woman appeared in the family doctor’s records with multiple comorbidities of cardiac, neurological and diabetes.

„Taking into account the pathological history, the evolution during post-vaccination observation, respectively the clinical and paraclinical data recorded in UPU-SJU Bacău, death is not supported as an undesirable post-vaccination adverse reaction.

Therefore, a causal link with vaccination was not established, which falls into the category of coincident events.

According to the World Health Organization, the coincident event is defined as “the event produced after vaccination, which is not caused by the vaccine or its administration,” transmitted DSP Bacău.

In addition, according to the cited source, the doses of the vaccine were kept at the appropriate temperature and the doctors followed all the procedures.

Publisher: IC
