DRAMATIC Situation in the USA USA: More than 2000 people died of coronavirus in the last 24 hours


The United States has recorded 2,053 deaths in the last 24 hours caused by the new coronavirus, according to the balance published Thursday at 20:30 local time (Friday 30:30 GMT) by Johns Hopkins University, reports AFP.

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After a slight decrease in the number of victims on Sunday and Monday, Thursday is the third consecutive day with a balance that exceeds 2,000 deaths, reports Agerpres.

Since the start of the pandemic, the death toll in the United States has reached 62,906, according to data provided by the cited source.

The United States is the country with the most victims of COVID-19, followed by Italy (27,967 dead), the United Kingdom (26,711), Spain (24,543) and France (24,376), according to an AFP report from official sources on Thursday in 19 : 00 GMT.

The new coronavirus has killed at least 230,000 people worldwide since its appearance in China last December.

The United States, with more than one million cases diagnosed with COVID-19, also accounts for nearly a third of all officially registered cases in 195 countries and territories worldwide.
