Dramatic moments for actor Bogdan Stanoevici. The latest news from doctors


The health of actor Bogdan Stanoevici, hospitalized after coming into contact with a new coronavirus infection, is very serious. The infection with the new coronavirus almost completely affected his lungs, and doctors are working hard to save him, according to sources cited by gandul.ro.

On December 24, the former minister of Romanians everywhere was replaced by the “St. Pantelimon ”of the Capital, where he also contracted a nosocomial infection, and is currently admitted to the Heart Institute, under the supervision of the team coordinated by Professor Dr. Șerban Bubenek, who is doing everything possible to save his life.

Bogdan Stanoevici underwent extracorporeal oxygenation. It is a delicate operation, performed using the ECMO procedure, which aims to give your lungs a complete rest for a period of 7 to 15 days.

“These two weeks are critical, but the doctors hope that the affected lungs will work almost completely again. He is still in serious condition,” revealed medical sources cited by Gândul.

The coronavirus did not pass him by

Actor Bogdan Stanoevici was hospitalized after contacting COVID-19, at the “St. Pantelimon ”from Bucharest. On December 16, he was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit, after his health deteriorated drastically and he was intubated. Two days later, the former minister also contracted a nosocomial infection and fell into a coma.

Information about the difficult situation Bogdan Stanoevici finds himself in was also confirmed by AUR Senator Diana Șoșoacă. The former minister was hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit of Hospital „St. Pantelimon ”after the infection caused by the new coronavirus worsened due to the nosocomial infection that he contracted in the hospital.

“One of my best friends, Bogdan Stanoevich, was in a coma last night (Saturday – ed.). He had a nosocomial infection … His son already came from France. Too many people are already dying in hospitals, too many people are in a coma and they shouldn’t be, “said Diana Șoșoacă.

The well-known actor Bogdan Stanoevici, in critical condition in the hospital. He went into a coma!
