Dragnea’s health has deteriorated, she has several hernias


Liviu Dragnea’s lawyer, Flavia Teodosiu, assures that the state of health of the former president of the PSD has worsened in the last three months, accusing her of “unfair” decisions taken at the level of the ANP and the Rahova Penitentiary.

“My client’s health has deteriorated in the last three months, as a result of unfair decisions taken at the level of the National Prison Administration, respectively the Rahova Penitentiary. (…) Liviu Dragnea has several hernias at the level of the spine, some of them in the cervical area and some in the lumbar area.

Upon arrival at the prison, he presented the documents proving this medical condition to the medical control. Also, during detention she received treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs, in order to alleviate the pain caused by multiple hernias, but no measures were taken to prevent their aggravation, “said the lawyer, writes Agerpres.

He claimed that Dragnea asked the Rahova penitentiary management to approve a consultation at an orthopedic hospital, but received no response.

Liviu Dragnea was definitively sentenced on May 27, 2019, by the Supreme Court, to 3 years and 6 months in prison with execution for instigating abuse of office in the fictitious employment case of DGASPC Teleorman.
