Dragnea, revealed. What he traded for a visit to Trump. Revelation comes from across the ocean


What was not said then was that the invitation to the official dinner, which is said to have cost a huge sum of money, on the order of seven digits, was mediated by Elliot Broidy, a famous American lobbyist close to President Trump. .

Elliot Broidy recently pleaded guilty before a federal judge and faces up to five years in prison for allegedly prosecuting the Trump administration for closing a criminal case involving misappropriation of a mutual fund. From Malaysia. According to ocean media, Broidy faces a maximum sentence of five years in prison and a fine of $ 250,000. In addition, he agreed to pay $ 6.6 million, a bribe he received from the owner of the Malaysian investment fund, to stop the United States Department of Justice investigation.

The indictment is related to his efforts to arrange meetings with senior US officials, cancel a US investigation into the embezzlement scheme of mutual funds, which concerns a damage of US $ 1 billion, and promote the deportation of the dissident. Guo Wengui Chinese. Federal prosecutors said in court that additional charges could be filed. Broidy can await sentencing at his home in Beverly Hills and can travel to the United States with the judge’s permission. At the request of his lawyers and without opposition from federal prosecutors, Broidy will keep his passport and may apply to the court to travel abroad.

Arms business in Romania

Returning to Dragnea and the relationship with Elliot Broidy, it must be said that the American lobbyist opened in Romania a subsidiary of his company, Circinus, specializing in arms trafficking.

Well, Circinus signed with Romarm, on February 1, 2018, a contract for the implementation of the C4ISR system, one of the main priority programs to equip the Romanian Army, with an estimated value of about 180 million euros.

The C4ISR program foresees the realization of an integrated system that will be acquired, under the conditions established in the contract, consisting of related products and services:

-Integrated Communications and Computing Systems of the Battalion – SICIB, including the Battalion Command Points – PCB;
-Command points of the bridge brigade – PCBg;
-ISTAR integration capabilities at Division level – fusion sensor.
