Dr. Monica Pop DESTROYS Vlad Voiculescu: A Man Who Has NO Training – Source News


Dr. Monica Pop harshly attacks the Minister of Health, Vlad Voiculescu. She says Voiculescu leads a strategic ministry without having extensive training on it.

“It is a political calculation in my opinion and things are much deeper than they seem. It seems to me from the night of the mind to give the Ministry of Health which is a strategic ministry, at least in situations like this, to a man who has no training.

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I would like to know which commission decided this change because it is very clear that they recognized their competence if it changes, it means that it was not good. So let him come and tell us who decided this, so that not a single man who has no competence in the profession decides.

Again, it is a strategic ministry assigned to a man who has no training and I don’t know how he can lead. If the Secretary of State has a degree in theology, it is very good to go to church, because there is no problem but not to the Ministry of Health, ”said the Antena 3 doctor.
