Dozens of people crowded Arad for the funeral of a man who died after being infected with COVID. What will happen to them


Neither at the vigil nor at the funeral did the participants observe any specific health precautions for the pandemic.

Images transmitted directly to the missing person’s Facebook account show a speaker at the microphone, without a mask, and then a choir singing religious music.

The place of the vigil, equipped with sound equipment and video camera, makes it impossible to maintain physical distance in the presence of dozens of relatives and acquaintances.

After the appearance of the images in the public space, the Police were notified and were looking for the participants to punish them, reports Antena 3.

Valentin Handra died on Christmas day

Valentin Handra, who coordinated the Regional Medical Equipment Center, subordinate to the Arad Public Health Directorate, died on Christmas Day.

He was hospitalized in the ATI 1 – non-COVID section of the Arad County Clinical Hospital.

Handra was confirmed positive three weeks ago and developed an aggressive form of the disease that required her hospitalization in the intensive care unit of COVID Hospital, where she was intubated.

After the last negative test, the patient was transferred to a non-COVID ATI, but his lungs were too damaged and he eventually died.
