Don’t play with people’s lives.


The law establishing the state of alert was approved by Parliament. PSD leader Marcel Ciolacu said tonight that Prime Minister Ludovic Orban should resign, because of the way he handled the situation during the COVID-19 epidemic.

“It would be common sense on Monday for Mr. Orban to step down. It is unacceptable to have such an escape at such a level. There are too many things that have been going on for two months as we are fighting this pandemic, where things are not working, (The decisions are not.) They are delayed. You cannot play with people’s lives. Leave a three-day legislative vacuum and no one resign or be responsible, “said Marcel Ciolacu, on Antena 3.

The deputies rejected the PNL’s proposal that the alert status take effect immediately after its publication in the Official Gazette, so that it can be established as soon as possible on Monday, after two days in which parliamentarians will be able to attack the project. at CCR, and another three days later. publication in the Official Gazette.

The government will meet tomorrow to find a solution, so that the restrictions remain in place after the state of emergency ends and until the state of alert takes effect.

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