Donald Trump was acquitted by the Senate in the shortest impeachment process in US history. The former president was accused of inciting the insurrection


UPDATE 10:50 PM Donald Trump was acquitted by the US Senate.

The United States Senate acquitted former President Donald Trump on Saturday, who was accused by the House of Representatives of inciting the insurrection.

57 senators voted to convict former President Donald Trump and 43 voted against. Fifty Democratic senators and seven Republican senators voted in favor.

In the context where a two-thirds majority was required, not enough votes were cast for conviction.

This is the second time that Donald Trump has been acquitted in a proceeding of the United States Congress.

The House of Representatives has accused Donald Trump of “instigating the insurrection.” According to the indictment, “Donald Trump has been involved in major and minor crimes by instigating acts of violence against government institutions in the United States.” President Donald Trump is accused of repeatedly claiming he won the presidential election and encouraging, through his Jan.6 speech to supporters gathered in the Eclipse area of ​​central Washington, violent actions on Capitol Hill, as the Congress validates Joseph’s victory. Biden in the presidential election.

UPDATE 22:00 Trump trial. The Senate vote has begun

The vote is in alphabetical order, writes CNN. So far, six Republicans (Richard Burr, Bill Cassidy, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney, and Ben Sasse) have voted “guilty.”

34 votes are required to acquit the former president of the United States.

Impeachment: Donald Trump’s trial is coming to an end

The impeachment trial of Donald Trump last night passed into a new phase: that of the defense. Trump’s lawyers backed the case and sent the ball to the Democrats’ court.

“Why are we here? Because of politics. Their goal is to eliminate a political opponent. Members of the Senate, our country must get back to work. I know you know. Instead, we are here. The majority party has promised to unite and liberate the pressure created by Covid-19, but am I doing it? Let’s be clear, this process is about more than President Trump. It’s about silencing and banning the speech of the majority that disagrees with them. It’s about overthrowing Trump’s 75 million voters and turning a political opinion into a crime. That’s what the trial is about, “said Bruce Castor, Donald Trump’s attorney.

Donald Trump’s legal team wants to dismantle the accusations against the former president. They want to show that he did not incite the attack on the Capitol. Senators had the opportunity to ask questions of the two camps. And after prosecution coordinators released new images of the attack two days ago, they now warn of the consequences of a verdict in favor of Trump. Such an attack will be repeated, they say.

“It was devastating and everyone was looking at us and everyone is still looking at us to see what we will do today. And they will know about this day in 100 years. The extremists who attacked the capital at the provocation of the president will be empowered. All of our agencies have. confirmed. House managers don’t say that. I’m just sitting and waiting. Donald Trump told them it was just the beginning, “said Stacey Plaskett, House impeachment manager.

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