Donald Trump, “finished” by Arnold Schwarzenegger. The acute message transmitted by the actor through a disturbing autobiographical testimony


America will go through the shock of the last few days, because no matter how much you hit American democracy, it will be stronger. This is the message of Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Austrian actor known for his role in the series “Terminator” and “Conan the Barbarian”. He immigrated to the United States, entered politics, and became the Republican governor of California. Although belonging to the same party as Donald Trump, Arnold Schwarzenegger did not hesitate to criticize the president for all the slippages of democracy, and now he simply dismisses him with a message that is both sharp and emotional. Sharp, like Conan’s sword, which Arnold uses in his message. Exciting, because Arnold Schwarzenegger, the tough guy from the movies, tells how the Nazis destroyed his family in his native Austria.

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Wednesday was Crystal Day here in the United States

“As an immigrant to this country, I would like to say a few words to my fellow Americans and our friends around the world about the events of the past few days.

I grew up in Austria. I fully understand what it means Kristallnacht or Crystal Night. It was a night of hatred against Jews unleashed in 1938 by the Nazi equivalent of the Proud Boys (a neo-fascist movement in the United States and Canada, which was involved in the assault on the Capitol on January 6 – no.).

Wednesday was Broken Glass Day here in the United States. The broken windows were those of the United States Capitol, but the crowd didn’t just break the Capitol windows. They have crushed ideals that we consider unattainable. They didn’t just knock down the doors of the building that houses American democracy. They have trampled on the very principles on which our country was founded, “says Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, confessions about his family

“I grew up in the ruins of a country that suffered because it lost its democracy. I was born in 1947, two years after the Second World War.

As a child, he was surrounded by soul-crushing people who drowned their guilt in drinking because they had participated in the worst regimen in history. Not all were anti-Semites or fierce Nazis, many walked with them, step by step, to the end. There were neighbors next door.

I have never spoken publicly about it, because it is a painful memory. My father came home drunk, once or twice a week, yelled at us and hit us and terrified my mother.

I never held him entirely responsible for what he was doing, because my neighbor was doing the same for his family as well as his neighbor. I heard with my ears, I saw with my own eyes.

They were like that because of the physical suffering caused by shrapnel in their body, but also because of the emotional suffering caused by what they had seen or done, ”the actor confessed.

“I know where those lies lead”

“It all started with lies, lies, lies and intolerance,” explains Arnold Schwarzenegger, drawing a parallel with the current situation: “President Trump has tried to reverse the election results, the correct elections. He tried to hit, deceiving people with lies. My father and his neighbors were also deceived with lies and I know where those lies lead, “adds the actor.

“President Trump is a failed leader. He will go down in history as the worst president. The good news is that he will soon become as irrelevant as an old tweet. I didn’t make it. Our democracy has stood firm,” says “The Terminator.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger draws Conan’s sword

He maintains his optimism and confidence in the democracy of the country that was his second home and that brought him international success, and for the final part of the message he even appeals to his pillars of the series that made him famous: the sword of Conan.

“America will go through these dark days and shine again. See this sword? It’s Conan’s sword. Forget swords. The more you hit them, the tougher they become. The more you hit them with a hammer and put them to fire. , then you throw them into cold water and then hit them again and run them through fire and water again, the more you do this the stronger they get. I am not telling you all this because I want to become an expert in sword making, but because our democracy is like steel in this sword. The harder you hit it, the stronger it becomes. I believe that no matter how shaken we are by recent events, we will become stronger because now we understand what we risk losing. We need to heal together from the tragedy we are going through. You who believe you can violate the Constitution of the United States, remember: You will never win! “- Arnold Schwarzenegger transmits to those who, in his frenzy awakened p or Donald Trump, they are willing to trample on the principles that underlie America.

The message was sent by the actor on Sunday in a video post on Twitter that immediately went viral. In ten hours, more than 21.5 million people had seen it, hundreds of thousands had redistributed it, commented on it and those who expressed their appreciation were close to a million.

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Editor: Luana Pavaluca
