Donald Trump does not want to know about his Chinese counterpart: he is thinking of breaking the trade agreement with China – News from sources


US President Donald Trump said Thursday he was “disappointed” by China, saying the current crisis caused by the pandemic affects the bilateral trade deal, the Reuters news agency reports, according to MEDIAFAX.

“I am very disappointed with China. I should not have allowed this to happen. I have created an important trade agreement, and now I can say that it is not the same for me. The ink has just dried and the pandemic appears.” Seems the same to me, “Donald Trump said in an interview with Fox Business.

Donald Trump has repeatedly said that he has a good relationship with Chinese President Xi Jinping. “I just don’t want to talk to him now. I don’t want to talk to him,” said the White House leader.

The United States and China signed the first phase of the bilateral trade agreement in January.

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The intelligence services of the EE. USA They determined that the virus was not created in the laboratory, but verified whether it had spread from an institute in Wuhan, where there were samples for research.

“We have a lot of information and it is not good. Whether the virus comes from the lab or from bats, it comes from China and it should have stopped it. It could have stopped it at the source. It got out of control,” he said. Donald Trump.

Donald Trump believes the covid-19 pandemic is likely to question the trade deal between the world’s two major powers, Reuters reports.

“They shouldn’t have let that happen.” I have a formidable business deal, and now I say it is no longer the same. The ink had barely dried when the epidemic hit. And it’s not the same anymore, “insisted Donald Trump.

The agreement signed in January by China and the United States foresees that Beijing will increase its acquisition of American goods and services by at least $ 200 billion (185 billion euros) over a two-year period and that Washington will decrease in return. customs duties on Chinese products imported into the United States since the beginning of the trade war between the two countries.

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United States intelligence concluded that the new coronavirus was neither created nor genetically modified by humans, but United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said earlier this month that there was plenty of evidence that the virus came from P4. , a virology laboratory in Wuhan. .

“We have a lot of information and it’s not good. Whether it’s from the lab or the bats, it comes from China, and they should have stopped it.” They should have stopped her. It got out of control, “he said.
