Dominic Fritz: DSP requested quarantine for localities with USR-PLUS and PSD mayors and its lifting in those with PNL mayors. The example set by the mayor of Timisoara – Politics


The mayor of Timișoara, Dominic Fritz, accused, on Saturday night, that the county DSP makes decisions with “political connotations”, proposing quarantine for localities with USR-PLUS and PSD mayors and raising the quarantine in those with PNL mayors .

The mayor says, on Facebook, that he abstained from voting, his position being in favor of a quarantine for the entire metropolitan area.

Timişoara and the four neighboring communes will emerge from the quarantine established two weeks ago, after members of the Timiş County Committee for Emergency Situations (CJSU) rejected, on Saturday night, the proposal to extend the restrictive status by others. 7 days. On Saturday, in Timiș County, an incidence of coronavirus cases of 5.99 was reported.

Fritz Post:

Today I was asked to vote, at the same time, to increase the quarantine in Moşnița Nouă, where the infection rate is 11.22, the highest in the quarantined area, and to vote for the continuation of the quarantine in Dumbrăvița, with a Rate of 7.42, the smallest in the quarantined area I asked the Public Health Directorate for explanations about this proposal, but did not receive them.

Quarantine decisions need to be logical for credibility and for people to understand and follow. It should not be suspected that these decisions are made for reasons other than strictly epidemiological ones.

Today DSP Timiș proposed the continuation of the quarantine for the ATUs with mayors of USR PLUS and PSD, and proposed the lifting of the quarantine for the ATUs with mayors PNL. I am absolutely amazed at the political connotation of these decisions.

Even the document of the National Institute of Public Health, which positively supports the uprising of Moşnița and Ghiroda, expressly mentions that the lifting of the quarantine will increase the contagion rate and that, in a short time, the localities will be quarantined again.

I refused to participate in this staging.

I abstained in today’s vote because I could not legitimize an illogical decision that leads to an endless series of quarantined exits and entries in different ATUs around Timisoara. As I’ve always said, I think a quarantine only makes sense in the metropolitan area. The zonal quarantine of the last two weeks has managed to slow down the growth rate. Why forego an effective measure?

I am concerned that we can further reduce the infection rate without more restrictive measures for the entire metropolitan area, measures that we can only take in the quarantine scenario.

I am aware that my position for the continuation of the quarantine for the entire metropolitan area is not popular. But looking at what is happening on the planet, in the country and in the county, I don’t see any other responsible way out. “
