Does Liviu Dragnea’s rescue come from Adrian Năstase? The former prime minister took the first step


In a post on his personal blog, entitled “Abandonment of Liviu Dragnea”, the former prime minister is disappointed by the “lack of solidarity” shown by the Social Democrats, former party colleagues of Liviu Dragnea, in relation to him. Adrian Năstase agrees that Dragnea was mistaken as PSD chairman, but claims that sending him to prison after the two convictions in the “Referendum” and “Fictitious Employment” files is a political execution intended to remove him from the scene. politics.

“Liviu Dragnea made many mistakes as president of the PSD. His condemnation for the referendum and for the two employees who also worked for the party clearly bears the stamp of a political execution. The reasons, probably both internal and external. The result was achieved. : his removal from the political scene, “wrote Adrian Năstase on his personal blog.

He specified that, beyond all this, considering that the objective has been met, he does not understand the reason why Liviu Dragnea is treated so badly in prison.

“What I do not understand is his treatment in prison: the lack of the right to work, the lack of possibility of medical consultation for health problems, the lack of transparency about his covid-19 infection, etc.,” he also wrote. former prime minister of the PSD.

In addition, Năstase continued, in his position, the lack of solidarity and human interest of his former party colleagues with Liviu Dragnea is incomprehensible and that nothing he did justifies his abandonment.

“And there is one more thing that I do not understand: the lack of solidarity and humanitarian concern for him from his former party colleagues,” said Adrian Nastase.

The family fears for the life of Dragnea

A few days ago, Irina Tănase, Liviu Dragnea’s girlfriend, said she was worried about her health and said that her life could be in danger in the next period, after receiving several controversial messages. He made these clarifications in the conditions in which Liviu Dragnea was to be transferred to one of the Ploiești or Timișoara prisons, in the conditions in which his period of self-isolation expired, of 14 days, to which he was forced after testing positive . for the new coronavirus.

Shortly after Dragnea’s girlfriend expressed her fears in the public space, the National Penitentiary Authority arrived with a series of clarifications related to a possible transfer of the former PSD leader to another prison in the country.

“Considering the evolution of the epidemiological situation at the national level and the evaluation of the optimal way of handling cases of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection among detainees, in order to increase the capacity of the Bucharest Hospital Penitentiary- Jilava, following the analysis carried out by the National Penitentiary Administration, in accordance with CNCCI Order No. 4649288 / 09.11.2020 and Article 15 of Law No. 254/2013, the Ploieşti and Timişoara Prisons will guarantee the custody of the persons deprived of liberty who no longer present a risk of contagion after the period of 14 days of hospitalization in the prison-hospital, ”said ANP officials.
