DOCUMENTS The Senate asks the Ministry of Health to verify the health certificate that would exempt Diana Șoșoacă from wearing a mask – Politics


The Senate validation commission asked, this Monday, the Ministry of Health and the Public Health Directorate to carry out controls on the way in which AUR Senator Diana Șoșoacă obtained a medical certificate in which it is recommended not to wear a protective mask. The approach of the validation commission comes after several senators complained that the lawyer is not wearing a mask in the plenary session of the upper house.

The validation commission sent two addresses: one to the Ministry of Health and the other to the DSP, in which it attaches the medical certificate that Diana Șoșoacă brought, warning her “not to wear a protective mask according to order MS / MAI 874/81/2002”.

The medical certificate is dated 09/18/2020 and was issued by the Dr. Bulbuc Aurora Diagnosis and Treatment Center (Șoseaua Stefan cel Mare Bucharest), primary care physician – general medicine, pediatrics.

Codes 453 and 515 appear on the medical certificate. According to the list of international classifications of diseases, these codes correspond to “Essential hypertension” and “Rhinitis, rhinopharyngitis and chronic pharyngitis”.

The Senate asks the Ministry of Health and the DSP to verify whether:

  • the diseases mentioned in the medical certificate are part of the category of diseases that affect the oxygenation capacity
  • the medical certificate was issued in compliance with the legal competence established by order MS / MAI 874/81/2002
  • the certificate holder is exempt from wearing a protective mask indoors

On Monday, Diana Șoșoacă broadcast live on Facebook from the Senate plenary hall, where she attended the first meeting to validate the mandate and take the oath. He appeared in plenary without a protective mask.

The lawyer claims that she has a certificate advising her not to wear a mask due to a medical condition. After consultations in Cotroceni, where he was wearing a mask under his nose, he claimed that he had a medical certificate that allowed him not to wear a protective mask.
