DOCUMENTS New York Times Releases Biden Family Business Plan for Romania: Hunter Biden Negotiates With Chinese Energy Company – Source News


Documents published today by the New York Times show that Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden had made a business plan 3 years ago that included Romania, according to

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Documents provided to US journalists by Hunter’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski show that the business development project with China’s largest private energy conglomerate CEFC would also take place in phase 2 in Romania. . , through companies controlled by businessman Gabriel Popoviciu. At that time, the documents say, the Chinese company was already involved in Romania, in the KazMunayGas Rompetrol business.

The documents also show that in Romania the entrepreneurs wanted to develop a big business called Project Băneasa worth one billion euros, they also wanted to develop the Metav industrial park, they wanted to acquire the majority prosecutors in Otopeni and Băneasa Airport and they intended to develop Romania and a third major airport.

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The documents also state that Hunter Biden and his partners knew about the lawsuits Popoviciu was having in Romania, and a meeting between Hunter Biden and his partners took place in Romania in 2017. But even though Hunter is Joe Biden’s son, his father, Joe Biden, does not appear to be directly involved in this business.

Romania is not the only state through which Joe Biden’s son wanted to do business with the group in China. Poland, Russia, Colombia, France, Luxembourg, Oman, Argentina, Belgium, Mexico, and the United Arab Emirates are also invoked in separate chapters of Joe Biden’s son’s plan with his partners. The source of the documents, Tony Bobulinski, the former partner of Biden’s son who now supports the Trump team, was heard the other day by the FBI and will be questioned on this issue by the United States Senate, ”writes Sorina Matei.
