DOCUMENTS. Ministry of Education publishes guidelines for the new school year, from kindergarten to high school


The guides for kindergarten, primary, secondary, high school, vocational training and vocational training were published on the website. The guides are aimed at teachers and schools and contain regulations on how the new 2020-2021 school year will take place for each school year.

DOWNLOAD the following guides:

Kindergarten Guide

The guide to primary education

Guide for middle and secondary education

Technical and vocational education guide

The guide to vocational training

The Special Education Guide

The guides contain proposals for scenarios, the way the classes will be held, the hygiene rules.

Teachers will be able to bridge the gaps in how to teach the subject during the suspension of classes and a teaching plan can be made based on what students were able to retain during classes that were held online, said Education Minister Monica Anisie.

The Minister of Education, Monica Anisie, and the Minister of Health, Nelu Tătaru, held a press conference to announce what the new school year will be like. Only on September 7 will the Public Health Institute present the epidemiological diagnosis of each locality and on September 10 the schools will propose the scenario for each unit.

“We have been working with colleagues from the MEC and the authorities to prepare for the safe return of the children.

The measures we take for the new school year 2020 – 2021 – we develop methodological guides for organization in schools, at each level and benchmarks for teachers, ”said Monica Anisie.

All information about the new school year 2020 – 2021 will be made public on the website

Edited by Georgiana Marina
