DOCUMENT The school starts in the hybrid setting in Bucharest, Iași, Brașov, Ploiești and Oradea. School exclusively online in 43 locations, due to the large number of cases of coronavirus – Coronavirus


The school will start in the hybrid scenario in several block cities of the country, including Bucharest, Iasi, Brasov, Oradea, Braila, Buzau, Targoviste, Giurgiu, Miercurea Ciuc, Piatra Neamt, Ploiesti, Tulcea, Ramnicu Valcea and Vaslui, where the rate infection is more than 1 per thousand inhabitants. The hybrid scenario means that half of the students go to school for two weeks and the other half stay home and attend school for the next two weeks. In 43 “red” localities in Romania, the school will start exclusively online, due to the large number of cases. On Monday, the Ministry of Health published the epidemiological analysis by counties and localities, which shows the incidence rate of coronavirus infections per thousand inhabitants, essential data for the start of the new school year.

The analysis of the epidemiological situation includes the number of new confirmed cases in the last 14 days (including 06.09.2020) carried out at the national level by the public health directorates and the National Institute of Public Health.

The epidemiological criterion from which the educational units / institutions establish one of the 3 scenarios is the cumulative incidence rate, respectively the total number of new cases in the last 14 days compared to 1000 inhabitants:

All county and Bucharest public health directorates will report today to the county / Bucharest school inspectorates, respectively the university senates of higher education institutions and the county / Bucharest emergency committees (CJSU / CMBSU) on the epidemiological situation at the level of each locality, and until September 10, based on these data, the local particularities, infrastructure and human resources of each educational unit, the board of directors of the educational unit will propose to the Bucharest County / Municipality School Inspectorate the application of one of the scenarios of organization and development of the courses in the educational unit, according to Order of the Minister of Education and Research and the Minister of Health 5487/1494 / 01.09.2020.

The Bucharest County / Municipality Committees for Emergency Situations (CJSU / CMBSU) will issue the decision on the operating scenario of each educational unit for the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year.

“Each school will decide and adapt its scenario to the indication of the DSPs, county school inspections and emergency committees. We support the need to start working in schools and both the Ministry of Health and the public health departments and the INSP support the steps to start the new school year in conditions of epidemiological safety ”, explained Health Minister Nelu Tătaru.

What does the incidence rate look like by counties?

  • In Bucharest, the incidence rate of coronavirus infections per thousand inhabitants is 1.12, according to the document published by the Ministry of Health.
  • In Alba, in the municipal seat of Alba Iulia, the rate is 1.11 per thousand inhabitants.
  • In Arad County, the incidence rate is 0.67 per thousand inhabitants in Arad.
  • In Argeș county, the incidence rate is 0.50 per thousand inhabitants in Pitești.
  • In Bacău, the incidence rate is 1.99 per thousand inhabitants in the municipality of the head of the county, Bacău.

Article in progress.
