DOCUMENT The main measures in the law to combat COVID-19 on alert. Fines will be awarded pursuant to a 2001 ordinance – Coronavirus


During the alert state, the legal contravention regime is assimilated and contributes to the provisions of Ordinance 2/2001 (on the legal contravention regime) to avoid the situation in the context in which the contravention regime established in Under unconstitutional Ordinance 1/1999, announced Ionel Dancă, head of the Prime Minister’s Chancellery, presenting the main measures of the bill on the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, during the state of alert.
Ordinance 2/2001 is, in fact, the general legislative framework under which fines can be imposed. See here OG 2/2001.
See here the bill on new measures to combat COVID-19. The project was sent to Parliament.

The executive has just approved this bill, which will be debated by Parliament.

What Ionel Dancă presented

They were regulated during the state of emergency, which will continue during the state of alert and requiring regulation at the level of law adopted in Parliament.

In the economic field, in accordance with these provisions, it will be allowed to organize activities for the sale of food and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages that do not involve customers staying in spaces designated for this purpose, such as the inbound service, the service of rooms or delivery to clients.

Retail and service activities in shopping malls may be suspended with some exceptions where such activities are allowed, namely the sale of electronic devices and household appliances, if economic operators guarantee their home delivery.

The activity carried out by economic operators from shopping centers that have the access provided directly from outside the premises is also allowed and communication with the rest of the complex is interrupted.

The sale of such products in shopping centers can be suspended, with some exceptions: the sale of household appliances and household appliances, if they ensure their home delivery. The activity of the operators who have access provided directly from outside the enclosure, interrupting access with the rest of the center.

In the field of health, the current provision is maintained. During the alert period, hired staff can fill vacancies without organizing competitions, if the duration of employment does not exceed the alert period.

During the alert state, the obligation to wear a protective mask is established in closed public spaces, commercial spaces, means of public transport and at work.

Authorities can limit the prices of medicines, vaccines, disinfectants, insecticides, medical devices, and other medical supplies during the alert period.

The validity of collective bargaining agreements extends for the period of the alert status, as well as for a period of 90 days from its termination.

For staff employed in central and local public institutions, but also within state-owned enterprises, which have a number of more than 50 employees, individualized work programs will be organized to ensure the existence of a time interval at the beginning and at the end of working hours.

During the alert period, the competent authorities can provide protective and preventive measures for employees in vulnerable situations.

Institutions and public authorities can hire personnel without competence based on the needs determined by the prevention and fight against the situation generated by the state of alert, for a determined period of 6 months.

With respect to religious cults, according to the bill, their activity is freely exercised in accordance with the rules of health discipline established by the authorities with responsibilities in the field, including the National Committee for Emergency Situations in consultation with the Department of Worship.

The contravention regime has changed, so that the legal contravention regime is assimilated and contributes to the provisions of Ordinance no. 2/2001 to avoid the situation in the context in which the contravention regime established by Ordinance 1/1999 was declared unconstitutional.
