DOCUMENT. Florin Cîțu presented the government program to Parliament. What are the promises of the new government


Prime Minister-designate Florin Cîțu presented the government program and list of cabinet ministers to the Permanent Offices of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate on Wednesday morning. The hearings of the proposed ministers will begin at 11:00. Likewise, the decree of the president by which Florin Cîțu was nominated prime minister has already been published in the Official Gazette.

The 2020-2024 government program is outlined in each of the 18 ministries. You can consult the guiding program of the PNL – USR PLUS – UDMR coalition here. We summarize the main objectives:

Justice: “No sanctions”, reform of the CCR and abolition of the Special Section

1. Amendment of the Constitution

Promotion of the No Sanctions initiative in public office
Programming of the No GEO in Justice initiative
Modification of the appointment of ICR members (to limit political interference)

2. Modification of the laws of justice

Dissolution of the Special Section for Magistrates
Conforming opinion (until now it was advisory) of the SCM prosecutors for the appointment to the top of the prosecution offices (attorney general, DNA, DIICOT and deputies)
Establishment of a prosecutor’s office specialized in environmental crimes (Forest DNA. PS: they have a negative opinion of the SCM on this initiative)
Reform of the Judicial Inspection

3. Modification of criminal law

Implementation of the decisions of the CRC
The transfer of the judicial police to the Public Ministry (only DNA has its own judicial police, this is an old desire of the prosecutors, not to depend on the Ministry of the Interior)

4. Prison reform / judicial logistics

Solving logistics problems
Maintenance of the current projects of the Ministry of Justice for a new headquarters (District of Justice, Directorate of Probation)

Internal: Reorganization of the Ministry of the Interior, complete digitization of civil status

1. Priority guidelines for public policy:
– Search for missing persons
– school safety
– prevention of juvenile delinquency
– fight against domestic violence
– organized crime

2. Reorganization of the Ministry of the Interior
– Development and strengthening of DSU
– Reorganization of the DGA
– subordinate to Parliament the Agency for the Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings
– integration of the Local Police in the Ministry of the Interior
– modification of the Gendarmerie Law

3. Complete digitization of the system for issuing civil status documents

4. Troubleshooting personnel
As of September 30, 2020, the total occupancy rate was only 84.97% and approximately 25,300 employees are only 5 years old.

Defense: 2% of budget

1. Maintain the budget at least 2% of GDP, of which at least 20% for provision
2. Strengthening the relationship with the regional programs of the US, NATO, the EU (Southeast Europe, the Black Sea region)

Health: a new national law and insurance on the private pension model

Main objective: The patient at the center of the health system

1. Development of a new health law
– DSP reorganization + decentralization

2. Health budget of up to 6% of GDP
+ Investments in health of at least 2,800 million euros in European funds through the Health Operational Program

3. Development of complementary health insurance, private co-financing of the health system
The right to choose in health: openness to various types of health insurance and insurers in the pension model of pillars 2 and 3; the state remains the main regulator through CNAS

4. Regional hospitals of Iași, Cluj-Napoca and Craiova
+ other investments
▪ 1,450 medical centers in rural areas, out of the 2,000 needed nationwide, with a value
9.5 billion lei;
▪ 25 county hospitals, worth 2 billion lei – rehabilitation;
▪ 110 municipal and city hospitals, worth 4 billion lei – rehabilitation;
▪ 10 hospitals, including maternity hospitals, worth 4 billion lei – construction.

5. Financing of family medicine: minimum 8% of the Single Fund of the National Health Insurance

Finance: no new taxes, no minimum wage tax, entry into the euro area in 2024

– in the medium term, public debt must not exceed the threshold of 60% of GDP (nominal convergence indicator for the switch to the euro).
-In order not to exceed this threshold, it is necessary to use PPP as an alternative financing mechanism

-the coalition will not increase or introduce new taxes and fees. At the current stage, the main effort will be made to improve revenue collection, by: i) eliminating distortions and gaps that allow minimizing the tax burden, ensuring equity and equity in the system; ii) regulatory simplification and debureaucratization, to facilitate voluntary compliance and tax administration, iii) implementation of a fairer, efficient, simple and transparent tax system that supports economic activities.

-No increases in taxes and duties to the private sector – We will not introduce new taxes, fees or mandatory contributions, we will not increase existing ones, we will not eliminate or reduce existing facilities.

-Reorganization of the treasury: the operational part will be transferred to the private sphere, the public debt and statistical part to become the department of the Ministry of Public Finance

TAX 0 on the minimum wage
-Develop an impact study in 2021 on possible fiscal facilities to reform labor taxation, including the reduction of contributions and taxes on the equivalent of the minimum wage, and from 2022 piloting a better-located sector of the economy for two years after the study . impact. The decision on the extension and / or generalization of the measure will be taken based on the results recorded after the pilot two years after its entry into force in conditions of deficit of less than 3% or two years of economic growth above potential.

-Reduction of VAT for waste collected selectively.

Join the eurozone

General objectives
Romania’s main objective is to increase real convergence with European economies, achieving a GDP per capita at the standard purchasing parity of 85% of the EU 27 average, by 2024.
Specific objectives
Real convergence can be achieved in the end by Romania’s adoption of the euro currency. A first step is the adherence to ERM II, which would reduce the variability of the exchange rate, contributing to the monetary stability of Romania.

Transport: 2 percent of GDP allocation

-allocation, on average, of 2% of GDP for transport infrastructure during the next 4 years.

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection: eliminating inequities

Evaluate the impact of the pension law on the public system based on the activity of a working group with the Ministry of Public Finance, the National House of Public Pensions and the National Strategy and Forecasting Commission, as well as representative organizations of the older people, to later identify measures for inequities in the public pension system (with an appreciation of the activity of those who worked with a low level of state contributions);

• Creation of a special parliamentary commission to identify and resolve inequities throughout the pension system. At the same time, we will extend the special pensions for mayors by one year.

• Increase the level of information for pensioners on the entire legal framework and implicitly the changes in recent years and the capacity of the system, to identify and implement solutions that increase efficiency in the provision of services to retirees, regardless of the place of residence. Development of programs to involve retirees in the community through volunteer or leisure activities.

Education: What is the allocated budget?

The government program aims to begin to implement the vision developed within the National Program “Educated Romania” proposed by President Klaus Iohannis. To make this vision operational, the Government will support gradual increases, by 2024, to finance education, up to 18% of the national budget (6% of GDP) and up to 3% of the national budget (1% of GDP) for public financing Of the investigation.

Publisher: GC
