DOCUMENT 1,356 nosocomial infected patients in Romanian hospitals in the last 7 months. 274 were hospitalized in COVID hospitals and 557 in COVID support hospitals – Health


1,356 patients in Romanian hospitals have been infected with infections associated with the medical act (nosocomial infections) in the last 7 months (from March 1 to September 30, 2020) shows a note from the National Authority for Quality Management of Health on infections officially reported by hospitals. Of the affected patients, 274 were hospitalized in COVID hospitals, 557 in COVID support hospitals, and 525 in non-COVID hospitals. ANMCS does not specify how nosocomial infections affected the condition of these patients. The ANMCS document does not specify how the nosocomial infections affected the condition of these patients, nor which hospitals are involved.

Between 01.03.2020 and 30.09.2020, a total of 2,620 adverse events associated with medical care were recorded in Romanian hospitals, of which 1,356 (51.76%) caused an infection in the patient.

SARS-CoV-2 also became, in some cases, a hospital-acquired nosocomial infection: 211 cases in total, of which 110 were reported in non-COVID hospitals, 39 in COVID hospitals and 62 in COVID support hospitals . – in COVID and support hospitals, most likely those infected in the hospital were medical personnel.

In September 2020, the Registry of Infections Associated with Medical Care (R-IAAM) was implemented. The registries in R-IAAM cover all the existing requirements in the current regulations (Order MS No. 1101 of 2016 with subsequent modifications and completions) corresponding to the Unique Registry of IAAM Reports, indicates ANMCS.

In September, 86 hospitals reported 522 cases of medicine-related infections, of which 122 reported the SARS-CoV2 virus identified as a germ, 116 of which were classified as medicine-related infections in the reporting hospital, 3 as infections in another hospital. and one as an indeterminate drug-associated infection.
