Doctors warn: TERRIBLE disease is a possible reaction to COVID-19 in children – News from Sources


Until now, experts have claimed that the new coronavirus does not affect children. Recently, however, European pediatricians have been on alert and awaiting cases of Kawasaki disease, which could be caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, reports MEDIAFAX.

Doctors say parents should pay attention to symptoms, which are manifested by fever, swollen lymph nodes, swollen hands and feet, and go “quickly to the hospital with the child.”

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“Fast enough means in the first four to five days of the onset of this disease, against the background of the five main clinical signs similar to Kawasaki disease: high fever for several days, about five, having swollen lymph nodes in the neck, having conjunctivitis, having eyes as if soapy water had entered, not flowing with pus, not suppuration. Having red and red eyes, having swollen and chapped lips and having swelling in the hands and feet, possibly with a rash ” Pediatrician Mihai Craiu said for MEDIAFAX.

The alert was initially issued in the UK, but there have also been cases in Italy, Spain, Belgium and France.

“Most patients with a clinical picture of Kawasaki do not have Covid-19 serology. It is too late to have antibodies, it is possible. The French teacher at Necker who cares for these children said that those who had something similar to SARS Cov -2 had three weeks ago. It seems that even if it’s related to Covid, after the initial disease cure, a few weeks later, you don’t even know you don’t have the disease if you didn’t get tested, “added the pediatrician. .

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Kawasaki disease can be treated, so there is no cause for concern.
