Doctors in other specialties, who care for COVID patients, are exempt from repercussions in the event of malpractice. Andreea Moldavan: extra peace of mind for doctors


During the alert state, doctors from other specialties will be able to treat patients with COVID-19 and will not be responsible for the medical act, if the protocols are followed.

Andreea Moldovan, secretary of state in the Health Ministry, told Thursday night’s press conference that it was “medical and surgical specialties.” He explained that there were situations of multidisciplinary hospitals, strictly COVID, but in which all specialties had to attend to COVID patients, including surgeons, ophthalmologists, urologists or psychiatrists. “It was wanted to be a legal framework to carry out such activity when necessary,” Andreea Moldovan said.

A dermatologist, treating COVID patients, free from allegations of negligence.

Asked if a dermatologist could treat a patient with COVID-19 in this context, the Secretary of State said that people with COVID-19 had been treated by dermatologists, but “now they will have a framework to discharge them from repercussions of the type malpractice in this situation, provided that a correct medical act is carried out, based on the treatment protocol developed in the country ”.

“It will be a team effort, we wanted to bring new people into this fight, to give time to those who worked for a year to catch their breath,” explained the Secretary of State.

“It will give the doctors more peace of mind”

The decision was made because “the number of cases of COVID infection may be high or increasing.” Andreea Moldovan said that until now there were other medical specialties that cared for COVID patients, but they did not have a legal framework in this regard, which would absolve them of repercussions.

When asked if he justifies the lack of doctors with the fact that they will exonerate some people who, at some point, may be guilty of killing other people, because they do not have the necessary specialization, Andreea Moldovan replied that the number of specialist doctors in The treatment of COVID is limited and that they will not be able to “never take from today to tomorrow” specialists in the field. “It will give the doctors more peace of mind. It is a very serious situation,” says Andreea Moldovan.
