Doctor Cătălin Denciu, injured in the Piatra Neamț fire while rescuing patients, included by the Belgians among the heroes of 2020


Dr. Cătălin Denciu, who saved several patients from the Piatra Neamţ hospital fire, was included by Belgian journalists from in a list of heroes who marked the year 2020.

“This Romanian doctor was on duty on November 14, 2020 in the intensive care unit of Piatra Neamţ hospital. When a fire broke out, he threw himself into the fire to try to save as many lives as possible.” His brave doctor died. and six were injured. The brave doctor suffered second and third degree burns. The next day, he was transferred to Belgium, to the Regina Astrid Military Hospital, which specializes in the treatment of burn patients, “wrote the aforementioned source.

At the top of the 2020 heroes is also the Chinese doctor Li Wenliang, who first warned of the existence of the coronavirus, but was not listened to, being even arrested by the police for spreading false rumors.

The Wuhan doctor was hospitalized in early January and died on February 6.

Who else is on the hero list?

Captain Tom Moore, a British World War II veteran, is also in this ranking.

Tom Moore drew attention to his initiative to raise £ 1,000 for the NHS by taking one hundred tours of the garden until he turns 100.

It eventually raised around £ 30 million for the National Health Service (NHS).

Louain al-Hathloul is also in the ranking. She is 31 years old and advocates for women’s rights in Saudi Arabia, especially for driving.

She was sentenced to prison on the basis of an anti-terrorist law in force in that country. According to Amnesty International, she was beaten, tortured and sexually abused in captivity.

Another personality present at the top is French actress Adele Haenel, who got up and left the room at the Cesar awards ceremony, when director Roman Polanski received an award for the film “J’accuse.”
