Doctor Alexandru Rafila, on starting school during COVID: Students are not in danger. What kind of masks does it say children should wear?


In the opinion of the well-known doctor, the best masks are not surgical but textile ones.

“I think the use of the textile mask is recommended for healthy children, the medical mask is recommended for children who have other chronic diseases, which could endanger their health, because they could complicate infections. The textile mask is easier to wear, it is more beautiful if we make it adapted to school, adapted to children, I think it is a very good solution, and teachers are fine to wear a medical mask because they are in a more exposed way because all the children in a class interact, ”explained Rafila, at Digi24.

Although, with the reopening of schools and the resumption of activities, there will be an increase in new infections, the doctor stressed that it is essential that the population maintain control. Otherwise, we can expect a “stormy fall,” he said.

“In general, in all countries where school activities have been resumed, there has been an increase in the number of cases. (…) It is important to have a bearable growth (…) Now we are preparing for the start of schools, to hope that schools start the way we want.The vast majority of parents and certainly an overwhelming majority of children believe that they want to go back to school, find their colleagues, their teachers. Certain activities were resumed during this period. I do not know if these are elements that lead to a decrease in the number of cases, in the best of cases we can expect a slight increase in the number of cases, with one condition: or economic operators, on the one hand, the system of education, on the other hand, but we as individuals should try to keep things under control, because otherwise we can really witness a stormy autumn. I hope not, but the next few weeks will be decisive. and probably by the end of September we will have a much clearer picture of the evolution of the epidemic ”, concluded Rafila.

