Do you want to have an identity card? Bad luck! Romania is out of plastic anymore so no newsletters!


Ballots are generally issued in 5-7 business days.  Now the term is 30 to 45 days.

Ballots are generally issued in 5-7 business days. Now the term is 30 to 45 days.

Changing your identity card has become a difficult experience. Why? “Because it’s not plastic!”

In Romania, we don’t even have plastic anymore. I went to change my identity card and the employee of the Local Directorate for the Registration of Persons Sector 6 (Bucharest) asked me if I had a copy of the valid identity card. I told him that I did not because I only came with the required documents on the site. “He didn’t say he needed a copy of the identity card!” I told him and he didn’t say anything else.

Another way, another fun

Later I found out, from another employee of the Local Directorate for the Registration of Persons Sector 6 (Bucharest), why he had to have a copy of the identity document, although this is not specified on his website. If until recently you received a certificate valid for a few days until you had the new identity card, now you have to leave a copy there and take the original home with you. This is not specified on the website of the Local Directorate for the Registration of Persons Sector 6 (Bucharest). And you go there with some of the documents, then you find a copier and come back with the copy, like you have nothing better to do than walk the roads.

“Go make a copy, because you may need a newsletter these days,” the Local Directorate employee told me. These days are 30-45 …

Ballots are generally issued in 5-7 business days. Now the term is 30 to 45 days.

The surprise has just arrived. Why does it take a month to receive the new identity card? Because we don’t have plastic! Due to delays in the delivery of the material from which the newsletters are produced, applicants must wait between 30 and 45 days before receiving a new document.

Cause: Acquisition delayed, centrally, which is why departments have to print only part of the documents for which applications have been submitted.

The problem is at the national level. This situation has been reached because the plastic material on which the identity documents are printed and which is centrally insured from Bucharest no longer reaches the territory or reaches very small quantities.

So be patient if you want to change your identity card during this period! The problem with the identity card production process dates back to the beginning of the year …
