Do you have a crazy desire for ice cream? You can suffer …


Hemoglobin is that part of blood cells that has the role of transporting oxygen from the lungs to all the tissues in the body, writes

Also read Weekend recipes: cool down with 14 delicious ice creams

If we suffer from anemia and our body is deprived of oxygen, we begin to feel tired, dizzy, sometimes vomiting.

The causes can be multiple: genetics, incorrect diet, bleeding, various infections, major trauma, burns, cancers, etc.

Anemia is of several types:

– Folic acid deficiency anemia.

– Vitamin b12 deficiency anemia

– Iron deficiency anemia (iron deficiency)

– Liver cirrhosis.

The most common is iron deficiency anemia, which occurs when the body experiences some blood loss due to ulcers, hemorrhoids, intestinal polyps, colon cancer, major menstrual bleeding, and last but not least, due to use excessive aspirin. as well as poor nutrition.

Whatever the cause, the first action to take is to find out the cause and go to the doctor.

After discovering the cause, depending on what condition is discovered, appropriate natural treatment should be started.

Attention! Any condition can be remedied with the help of natural treatments!

Symptoms of iron deficiency anemia:

– Weakness, fatigue and lack of resistance to effort.

– dyspnea (shortness of breath) during exercise

– headache (headache)

– difficult to focus

– irascibility

– pale skin


– The desire to eat substances that are not necessarily edible, as well as a crazy appetite for ice cream, can be a sign of anemia caused by a lack of iron.

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– tachycardia (very fast heartbeat)

– very brittle nails and toenails.

– chapped lips

– depapilated (smooth) and painful tongue.

This anemia is dangerous in babies, since it stops the growth and harmonious development both physically and mentally, affected children can be delayed both physically and mentally.

In case of anemia, the cause must be found through exhaustive investigations.

The appropriate remedies in this situation are: meat, liver, eggs, peas, beans, garlic, parsley, spinach, carrots, dried fruits (raisins, prunes, apricots).

For those with B12 deficiency, cheese, bananas, and oranges are also added, as well as milk derivatives.

Beet and blackcurrant juice:

2 glasses of beet juice + 1 glass of blackcurrant juice sweetened to taste with honey. In case of diabetes, it is better to consume it as such without sweetening it.
Put in a covered bottle, shake and keep in the refrigerator

The quantity is consumed in a maximum of 2 days, after which another quantity is prepared until the problem is solved. Drink a little every hour.

Grapefruit, sea buckthorn and carrot juice:

When preparing sea buckthorn juice, do not use anything metallic, OXIDE. Take a smaller wooden spoon and then take a quantity of 500 grams of sea-buckthorn fruit, carefully grind it and squeeze the juice out with a cheesecloth put in half.

Grapefruit and carrot juice is prepared with a special low speed juicer so as not to destroy vitamins and beneficial parts, then mixed with sea buckthorn juice. It can be sweetened with a little honey because the juice of sea buckthorn is very acidic.

Brewer’s yeast is a complex of vitamin B: B1, B2, B3, B5, B7, B8, B9, B12.

It can be consumed as a cube of brewer’s yeast or can be dissolved in a glass of tomato or fruit juice by adding a tablespoon of honey.

Honey itself is rich in iron, copper, and manganese, making it a formidable producer of hemoglobin in the body.

You can also use nettle tea, infusion of 200 ml of boiling water in a tablespoon of fresh spring-summer plant (in winter it can also be a dry plant), keep infused for 15 minutes and then drink 2-3 cups a day . It can be doubled with a consumption of 6 dandelion stems per day, for 2 months.

Herbal teas, cretisoara, roinita, obligeana, thyme, mousetail, carob, pear, large flatbread, arnica, bean pods, tincture, spruce buds, cuckoo beans, bilberry leaves, dried rosehip , contribute to the cure of anemia. and balancing the body.

You can also use angelica root tincture, 10 drops half an hour before the main meal, nettle leaf mix tincture 30 grams, black currant leaves 20 grams, thyme 20 grams, rosehip and large cake 10 grams each and marigold 10 grams.

50 grams of the mixture are immersed for 3 days in 250 ml of 40-degree food alcohol.

Strain, put in a dark bottle and administer a teaspoon a day in nettle or roinite tea and then sweeten with honey. If you suffer from hepatic steatosis (fatty liver) do not use this remedy.

Avoid eating foods that reduce the absorption of iron in the body or if you still cannot give up, at least drastically reduce the amount consumed: coffee, chocolate, milk (milk is already known to be no longer beneficial to the adult human body) and , in general, those rich in calcium. Give up alcohol. A glass of wine on the table is sufficient.

It would be preferable to be able to balance the food to be healthy!
