DNA demands the lifting of the immunity of Bănicioiu, accused of seizing more than 3.5 million lei


The National Anti-Corruption Directorate officially requested the Chamber of Deputies to lift the immunity of Nicolae Bănicioiu, in order to initiate a criminal investigation against him.

Deputy Bănicioiu is suspected of influence peddling, but also of taking bribes.

He – according to DNA – would have received 4 million lei from two businessmen, that is, about 800,000 euros, a bribe. All during his time as a minister.

He is currently a Pro Romania deputy, a party led by Victor Ponta.

A DNA statement announced that official procedures have been initiated by which a file containing more than 180 volumes (evidence, DNA prosecutors say, collected in recent months) was sent to the Romanian Parliament through the Attorney General’s Office, provided that In accordance with the Ministerial Responsibility law, a sitting parliamentarian cannot be prosecuted for suspicions related to his activity as a former minister, except with the approval of the chamber to which he belongs.

Therefore, DNA prosecutors say, it is necessary to have a majority of votes in the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies to initiate this criminal investigation against Nicolae Bănicioiu. This communiqué refers to the fact that when Bănicioiu was Minister of the Ponta cabinet, he would have committed these crimes of influence peddling and bribery.

Specifically, when he was Minister of Youth and Sports, he was approached by two businessmen who he promised, in exchange for a huge amount of money, more than 1 million lei, that he would intervene with his fellow Cabinet. , head of Health at that time, on the one hand, let’s say DNA prosecutors, to appoint certain people or hold managerial positions in certain hospitals of the Ministry of Health, and then, once he himself became Minister of Health, it allegedly took another 2 million lei – DNA prosecutors also claim – to violate his employment obligations.

The procedure is clear. The criminal investigation cannot be started without the approval of the Chamber of Deputies, because he is still a deputy, being a member of the Pro Romania party, led by Víctor Ponta.

For now, these are only assumptions, he is not a suspect and, even if he becomes a suspect, until the end of a trial and until a final decision is issued, he enjoys the presumption of innocence.

Bănicioiu: “I consider the accusations circulating in the press false

Pro-Romania MP Nicolae Bănicioiu sent a statement stating that “the accusations circulated in the press” are false.

Today I saw the DNA press release with surprise and I want to make the following clarifications: first, I consider the accusations that circulate in the press false and that is why I want to have access to the file as soon as possible!

I am about to lift my immunity because I have nothing to hide and I believe that clarifying the situation as soon as possible will be in everyone’s interest. I understand that with the start of the electoral campaign this would be an issue that could make clarification difficult and that is why I decided not to run!

I just want to find out the truth ASAP and I hope this approach is not generated by people who have problems and probably made up facts to escape. I’ll be in touch when I know more details about the file! “- Bănicioiu affirms.

I say Photos / Octav Ganea

DNA release:

Prosecutors are conducting an investigation into suspicions of corruption in the context of the sale of medical products to public hospitals located in Bucharest and Ilfov County and reporting to the Ministry of Health.

In accordance with the legal and constitutional provisions, the chief prosecutor of the National Anticorruption Directorate sent the report of the case to the General Prosecutor’s Office of the PICCJ, in order to notify the Chamber of Deputies to formulate the request for criminal prosecution against a person. the position of Minister, for committing the crimes of:

– influence peddling,
– accept bribes continuously.

Between December 21, 2012 and March 5, 2014, the person, as minister, would have accepted the promise of two businessmen and would have received directly from one of them, the total amount of 1,292,122 lei, leaving it to consider that has influence over the Minister of Health and public servants within this institution and that will determine them to perform or not perform acts that were part of their functions, acts represented by:

– the appointment of managers / maintenance of managers of public hospitals subordinate to the Ministry of Health, hospitals with which the companies controlled by the two entrepreneurs had concluded contracts or carried out public procurement procedures,
– The allocation of sums of money to public hospitals subordinate to the Ministry of Health, with which the companies of the two entrepreneurs had current contracts.
Subsequently, the same person allegedly received from the same businessmen, through an accomplice, suspected in the case, the total amount of 2,612,389 lei in relation to the exercise of ministerial functions, a position he held between 05.03.2014-17.11 .2015.

A report prepared by the prosecutors of the National Anticorruption Directorate was attached to the submitted request, as well as a number of 182 volumes in electronic format, of which 40 volumes in letric format.

This request for a criminal investigation is part of the incidence of art. 305 paragraph 4 of the CPC At present, the person against whom notification was requested to the Honorable Chamber of Deputies for the formulation of the request to carry out the criminal investigation benefits from the presumption of innocence.

We specify that this communication was drawn up in accordance with art. 28 par. 1 of the Guide to good practices on the relationship of the judicial system with the media, approved by Resolution of the Plenary of the Superior Council of the Magistracy no. 197/2019 “.
