Disturbing revelations from former basketball team coach Steaua and “U” Cluj! He was admitted to intensive care due to Covid-19: “I lost 10 kg”


Former basketball team coach Steaua Bucuresti and Universitatea Cluj, Niksa Bavcevic, went through extremely difficult times due to coronavirus infection.

Niksa Bavcevic tested positive for the new coronavirus and went through nightmarish moments.

The former coach of Steaua Bucuresti and the University of Cluj even went to intensive care and says that in 12 days he lost 10 kilograms due to the fight against the deadly virus. Fortunately, Bavcevic finally recovered:

“I lost 10 kilograms in 12 days. I was hospitalized in intensive care, where they connected me to the oxygen tube and I did an intravenous treatment that helped me a lot to recover. I was very scared. I knew it before I had the test that I have coronavirus because I have been in contact with an infected person.

When I was hospitalized they told me I had a milder form of the disease. However, I felt the symptoms for 15-16 days. Her throat was dry at first, then her back pain. Actually, I couldn’t lie in bed anymore. I spent 36 hours in the hospital, but because they no longer had beds, they let me go home. This disease is incredibly unpredictable, dangerous. All people have different symptoms. I didn’t have the temperature at all, but when I got to the hospital it was confirmed that the virus had affected my lung pleura. “Niksa Bavcevic said for baschet.ro.

Coach’s wife and son, also infected with Covid-19

Niksa Bavcevic says that his wife also became ill with the new coronavirus, but her symptoms were milder:

“My wife had milder symptoms, such as the fact that she had lost her sense of taste and could no longer tell the difference between jam and lamb. Our son was also infected, but showed no symptoms.”Bavcevic concluded.
