DISPUTES with the school in pandemic. The variant chosen by Adele Chirică. Message to parents horrified by the mask


There are two more weeks until the start of the new school year. Adele Chirica, Davis’s mother, diagnosed with Dravet syndrome and president of the Association for Dravet and other rare epilepsies, revealed the decision she made for her son, in a context in which many parents are extremely concerned about the pandemic.

“I opted for homeschooling before COVID-19. And to those who continue to complain that the online school is not a school and that it is impossible to keep the child with a mask in school, I send you a single message: thank you That they have them healthy and alive. And do not take it as a guarantee or a right. Because nobody knows what awaits us the next day and which will be healthier and which will not. Appreciate your children and their health more than the obsession to be leaders at school. We appreciate your children and their health more in the world, I am tired of repeating incessantly those of us who do not know what it is to have a healthy child for even one day. There are children with serious oncological conditions who always wear a mask and now They don’t comment on themselves or their mothers. Before COVID-19, “said Adele Chirică.

He also told DCNews what the pros and cons of homeschooling are: “I have no disadvantages, because the only disadvantage would be the lack of socialization, but we organize with other children and we have several meetings in parks and activities together. The advantages are innumerable: we get rid of our infected and outdated educational system, we get rid of the labels that children are put on in schools, the frustrations they develop for the system, the classes with so many students and the totally useless subjects that we have to learn. at school, but you never need it. “

“I don’t want to raise a child indoctrinated and traumatized by school, but a free, independent and safe child. In other words, what our public schools do not offer ”, concluded Adele Chirică.
