Dispute who has priority over the future COVID vaccine. France’s tough reaction: “Non-negotiable”


France considers that it would be “unacceptable” for the French giant Sanofi to prioritize the US market if it developed a Covid-19 vaccine, reports the BBC.

government French he reacted so to a statement of Sanofi CEO Paul Hudson said that “the United States government is entitled to the highest pre-order because of invested in taking risks. “

Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said but that everyone’s access for a new vaccine “is not negotiable.

Hundreds of laboratories around the world I am researching find a vaccine against COVID-19. reHowever, the development of a vaccine generally takes years.

“For us, it would be unacceptable for one country or another to have privileged access, for financial reasons,” Deputy Finance Minister Agnès Pannier-Runacher told Radio Francés Sud.

Philippe a written on Twitter that a vaccine must be beneficial all world.

President Emmanuel Macron Such recent efforts have shown that a vaccine should not be subject to market forces. Macron to meet with senior officials you Sanofi next week.

Earlier this month, the EU organized an online global summit to stimulate research regarding the new coronavirus and promised by 7.4 billions of dollars reIt is in some 40 countries and donors. Funding is for the development of a coronavirus vaccine and treatments for it. COVID-19-19.

The UK co-sponsored the summit, but the United States and Russia did not participate.

ANDand the European Union a He insisted that all countries have equal access to a vaccine.

C vaccineOVID-19 should be a global public good and access to the it must be fair and universalEuropean Commission spokesman Stefan de Keersmaecker was quoted as saying of AFP

investigatorcountries made by HealthyFand for a vaccine againstCOVID are foundedme in part by the US Advanced Biomedical Research and Development Authority. USA (Barda).

But in recent years, the pharmaceutical giant received tens of millions of euros from the French government for investigation.

Your statements Hudson, in an interview with Bloomberg, challenged anger between politicians in France.

Chief Sanofi for Frenchman Olivier Bogillot said Thursday that “the goal is to make this vaccine available to both the US. USA as for France and Europe at the same time.

meHowever, he said that this would be possible. only “if Europeans work as fast as Americans” and added that the United States government has promised to spend hundreds of millions of euros. “

AThis dispute is reminiscent of media reports in March that the United States was trying to I buymerme The German biotech company CureVac, which in turn investigates for a vaccine against COVID-19. CureVac denied the information.

Web editor: M.B.
