Disagreements between the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health on the test form, 3 days before the opening of schools


Disagreements between ministries on the consent form required from parents to evaluate students with symptoms of VOCID, three days before classes started. While Ministry of Health recommend parents to bring the signed form from the first day of classes, The Ministry of Education says that this thing it is not legal. It would be legal, says Minister Sorin Câmpeanu, only in the case of children with symptoms. POn Monday, the legal department of the ministry will analyze the situation, said Cîmpeanu on Digi24.

We recommend that parents bring the signed and printed consent form from the first day of classes, so that students can take the test immediately when necessary ”, is shown in the statement from the Ministry of Health.

However, Cîmpeanu says that this form will be requested from parents in case the child shows symptoms at school.

This form covers situations in which that child shows symptoms. It will be completed by the parents of students with symptoms, not all parents will complete it ”, said the minister.

Asked if it is possible that the form represents a general consent, given in advance, Cîmpeanu replied: “it may be a variant and we will analyze it at the Ministry of Education.”

The minister says that if a child shows symptoms, he will be isolated from other students and screened with an antigen test at the school office, and where there is no school office, the DSP will be notified.

The student will be isolated until the arrival of the father with the form by which he gives his consent and that the procedures established by common order of the two ministries do not foresee an advance agreement for the test.

If by Monday the Legal Directorate of the Ministry of Education does not express itself in this regard, regarding the existence of a legal basis through which to request an agreement form in advance, there will be no one to take charge of it. To the extent that we have an explanation of the legal basis for which we can request these forms and those that do not present symptoms, we will come with clarifications. At the moment, the Ministry of Education has not identified the legal basis for requesting the completion of this form from those who do not have symptoms. The ministerial order is very clear “, added.

When asked if he will go on Monday with the signed form at school, for his son, Cîmpeanu replied: “Fortunately, he has no symptoms. We will see if there is a legal basis. If there was a legal basis, I think we would have passed the possibility of completing this agreement before presenting symptoms within the order of the common minister.”

Editing: Monica Bonea
